Keßler Real Estate Solutions
Kessler Solutions is a leader in providing future-proof, process-oriented, and effective facility, property, and asset management solutions that are both scalable and adaptable. The CAFM software FAMOS allows you to manage your buildings, properties, and facilities efficiently, holistically, and sustainably. Networking processes can help you identify vulnerabilities, analyze them, as well as unlock resources. FAMOSweb or FAMOSapp allow you to design your work processes in a flexible, independent and mobile manner. FAMOS is the ideal solution for agile companies. The software integrates with your business processes step by step. Only integrate the functions and processes you need. CAFM software adapts to meet your future and current needs. FAMOS is almost always available to meet the needs of your company or institution. Kessler Solutions meets the GEFMA standard in the following four categories. Certification in all service catalogues of guideline 444, including BIM data processing.