JaCoCo is a Java code coverage library that is free and open-source. It was created by the EclEmma group based on lessons learned from integrating libraries over many years. The master branch of JaCoCo can be automatically built and published. Every build is considered fully functional due to the test-driven development approach. For the most recent features and bug fixes, see the change history. SonarCloud.io provides SonarQube code quality metrics for the current JaCoCo implementation. Integrate JaCoCoCo technology into your tools. JaCoCoCo tools are available right out of the box. You can improve the implementation or add new features. There are many open-source Java coverage technologies. The Eclipse plug-in EclEmma was implemented. It was clear that none of them were designed for integration. They are usually only compatible with a specific tool (Ant Tasks, Command Line, IDE Plug-in), and don't offer an API that allows embedding into different contexts.