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Journal Jeremiah Cornelius's Journal: In NYT. Limited Hangout Blogging 9

I conclude, then, that the very idea of a Jewish state is undemocratic, a violation of the self-determination rights of its non-Jewish citizens, and therefore morally problematic. But the harm doesn't stop with the inherently undemocratic character of the state. For if an ethnic national state is established in a territory that contains a significant number of non-members of that ethnic group, it will inevitably face resistance from the land's other inhabitants. This will force the ethnic nation controlling the state to resort to further undemocratic means to maintain their hegemony.

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In NYT. Limited Hangout Blogging

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  • This is a raging murderous fanatic kajigger... Antisemitism!
  • But if the people who “own” the state in question are an ethnic sub-group of the citizenry, even if the vast majority, it constitutes a serious problem indeed, and this is precisely the situation of Israel as the Jewish state. Far from being a natural expression of the Jewish people’s right to self-determination, it is in fact a violation of the right to self-determination of its non-Jewish (mainly Palestinian) citizens. It is a violation of a people’s right to self-determination to

    • Strawman:
      "older traditions, such as those upon which Western, Judeo-Christian civilization is based, are somehow Bad Things."

      We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

    • Also, what the hell is "judeo-christian civilization". This is a bullshit term, that was circulated first in political and academic circles, to advance the causes of Zionism, after 1948. It became popularised in public media by pundits after 9/11 by - under the sway of morons like Bernard-Henri Levi and Bernard Strauss.

      Historically, the United States - rightly or wrongly - always identified itself as having an ethical foundation in "The Protestant Tradition".

      It would be more correct to describe Europe, d

      • It would be more correct to describe Europe, during the high-middle ages and Enlightenment, as a Islamo-Christian civilization - with maths, medicine, astronomy, chemistry, chivalry and religious ethics being produced in dialogue between these poles.

        Really? Now who's going for the revisionist history?

        • I dunno.

          Anyone who uses Algebra? Spherical trig? Theory of infectious transmission of disease?

          How about the application of mathematical proof as model for rhetorical logic?

          None of these are "Judeo-Christian". They are Greco-Hindi-Persian in antiquity, developed in modern form through a dialogue begin with Muslim scientists about the time of the Crusades.

          It is documentary record that Gallileo, Brahe and Newton were familiar with Avivenna (ibn Sina) and Khayyam, even producing commentary on the texts.


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