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Christmas Cheer

Journal TrollBack's Journal: It's December 15, and this is Trollback 14

too much talking the talk, time to walk the walk. on with this week's issue of TrollBack, where we discuss old trolls and catch up on unfinished troll business.

24938&cid=2708618 offtopic User baiting
24934&cid=2707600 insulting Russian engineering
24934&cid=2708138 fact moderated as troll (that'll teach him)
24914&cid=2706873 15 direct replies to "OS X sux"
24914&cid=2706916 11 directs to AT's crack at OS X's Jordan
24755&cid=2689195 7mods 7directs to EPD's "turing the faggot"
24684&cid=2682100 6mods 11directs to WB's AMD conspiracy
24393&cid=2645150 22 mods, 24 directs AT's excellent shot at the Linux desktop (old)
24834&cid=2697504 19mods 39directs to dfeldman's excellent Magic Lantern piece
24672&cid=2680674 9mods 8directs to ST's "RPM sux"
24910&cid=2705517 8mods for turbine's michael baiting (how many User mods?)
24910&cid=2707415 hidden perdida? who knows.
24905&cid=2704844 9mods 11directs to the TRUTH. phear.
24871&cid=2701729 4mods 11directs sdem misinforms the led story
24897&cid=2703640 9directs sdem guilt trips the bandwidth hogs
24885&cid=2701949 8mods 31directs as sdem's Calculator/Math Teacher Flamefest ignites.
24819&cid=2694969 4mods and a bite for egg troll. who knew.
24869&cid=2700730 6mods 8directs for a 2line not-troll of the X-box. something to learn from.
24869&cid=2701491 an OK pro-passport screed.
24843&cid=2700157 Klerk's page widener on steroids.
24807&cid=2694227 Egg Troll gets bites again. sigh.
24882&cid=2702036 13mods, 11 directs for Rosco's AskSlashdot sucks
24824&cid=2697264 6mods 4directs for a post titled "Screw the Arabs"
24778&cid=2690400 8mods 8directs MIT==criminals
24776&cid=2691273 17mods and a huge flamefest for calling Michael on his shit
24776&cid=2691248 13mods 11directs security/obscurity GOOD
24776&cid=2691218 19mods and a massive flamefest to an AC in the IE story

Jamie's rant and FortKnox's excellent journal entry/michael Flamefest.

The JonKatz hater list continues to grow as people click this link


  - this issue of TrollBack is totally incomplete. it reflects the time i had to compile it (not much) and the defects in my current version of Troll-o-Vision (namely, no sort, krow).

  - i have ordered and gathered trolls with no real sorting criteria whatsoever. if you have something you'd like to appear here, post it, or email me.

  - if i missed your troll(s), please flame the holy fuck out of me. then, submit your troll(s) to next week's edition: operation_mongoose at ziplip.com.

  - if you'd like to help with TrollBack, please email operation_mongoose at ziplip.com

  - floss daily.


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It's December 15, and this is Trollback

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If it wasn't for Newton, we wouldn't have to eat bruised apples.
