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Journal immigrationnews's Journal: Canadian Experience Class Program

After Russia, Canada is second largest country in the world and is an excellent place to live. This country has majestic scenery, breathtaking wilderness and major centers of metropolitan areas. The living standards are great, with friendly natives and a health insurance policy which is universal. The major spoken languages are French and English, but there are others which are also commonly used.

Foreigners can immigrate and are accepted for different reasons which include the Canadian Experience Class program which was instituted recently. This program allows skilled workers and students who are staying with temporary visas, to make an application for becoming a permanent citizen. But first let us look at the policy for Canadian immigration .

Overview of Policy of Canadian Immigration

Canada is encouraging foreign investors and people who are skilled, to make an application for citizenship in Canada. Newcomers who are successful for the following applicant classes will get acceptance.

Workers and foreign students holding temporary visas, who have an experience of at least two years of working and living in Canada.

Self-employed, investors, and entrepreneurs who are financially qualified and have an interest in investing in Canada.

Applications will also be accepted on humanitarian grounds for people who have lived for many years in Canada and have made their roots in the country.

The Alberta province wants settlers and you can file an application for citizenship if you want to settle there.

Families can be sponsored for immigration to Canada by individuals who are already citizens, in a given time of 3 to 5 years. This is considered the fastest way for getting permanent citizenship.

Canada Experience Class

This program which is new gives an excellent opportunity to skilled workers and foreign students to make an application for citizenship, if the individual has completed at least two years living and working in Canada. This allows people with managerial or professional experience, or those having a competent trade or technical knowledge to make use of such experience in applying. The time spent in working or studying in Canada can be counted favorably in their application for permanent citizenship.

There might be certain complications which can crop up due to red tape or legalities, and therefore it is wise to find a good immigration law firm and discussing your case with an immigration attorney. These immigrations attorneys are experts and will professionally guide you in the process of application.

Immigration lawyers will also aid you in filling your application and filing all the required paperwork. In the event of your application being denied, immigration attorneys can make an appeal which gets processed by another agent. Even when this fails, the immigration lawyer is an expert at getting your case heard in court to the get a final result.

Any kind of immigration case can be handled effectively by immigration lawyers and hence if you are looking to get a permanent citizenship in the great country of Canada make sure you consult them.

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Canadian Experience Class Program

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