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Journal subgeek's Journal: industrial ebay humor 4

elmegil notified me a while back of an occurence on ebay (a search for "bill leeb" will turn up more). i recently checked to see how front line assembly (and delerium) frontman and ex-skinny puppy member bill leeb (aka wilhelm schroeder) was doing selling his old analog synths. remembering a snippet from the blog entry elmegil had sent me, i decided to look at the items mr. industrial had been buying on ebay.

age of empires ii isn't so embarrassing. and it isn't surprising he'd go after the mac version. but check out the books he's been adding to his library.

on the other hand, let him read that. i still respect the man. he would probably be surprised by some of the things i read.

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industrial ebay humor

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  • You should see the stuff that Amazon accuses me of liking since I started letting my wife order stuff on my account.
  • Those aren't for his mom, or his girlfriend, or... :-)
    • He could be just getting in touch with his feminine know, to pick up chics or something.

      <disclaimer> While I love FLA and Skinny Puppy, I make no claim to knowledge about any personal facts of the artists involved..... </disclaimer>

This restaurant was advertising breakfast any time. So I ordered french toast in the renaissance. - Steven Wright, comedian
