
Slashback: Legislation, Samplification, Knaves 111

More information this evening (below) on Daniel Gomez-Ibanez' digital turntable, the Coble-Berman [T: not "Sherman," sorry] bill, moral-free domain registrars, Gator's un-requested link substitutions, and more. Enjoy!

Beyond Dvorak via Genetic Algorithm 389

ColonelPanic writes: "I switched my computer keyboard to the Dvorak layout about a year ago. But now I've gone and done something really outlandish. I tried to discover the most efficient layout possible with a genetic algorithm. It's weird-looking, but I am typing with it now. I put the gory details up on the Web."

Ask Chuck Moore About 25X, Forth And So On 323

Chuck Moore is, among other things, a chip designer. His latest design, the 25x, is based on a 5x5 array of X18 microprocessor cores, and could provide 60,000 MIPS with a production cost of about one dollar. And Moore has the chops to back that up: he's been designing tiny, efficient processors for many years. He's also the inventor of the programming language Forth, which has evolved from a miniscule but radically fast language "difficult for a human to read" (according to The Secret Guide) to the even more radical colorForth. How radical? Try "includes own operating system; has own 27-key Dvorak keyboard layout; meaningful color syntax." How's that for starters? Ask below your questions for Chuck about processors and programming (ask all you'd like, but one per post, please) We'll pass the best ones on to him, answers soon to follow.

Hardware QWERTY-to-DVORAK Conversion? 13

Tom asks: "I was once a Dvorak keyboard user but the fact that where ever I went I was forced me to go back to QWERT. IMHO the ultimate solution would be a small software independent hardware converter that acts between the keyboard and where you put in the motherboard. This solution would allow you to move to any computer and quickly use Dvorak without messing with software key remapping. I searched hard around the web and the only thing I found that was close to it was the Chameleon Keyboard Customizer also linked here (just scroll down a bit on this page) made by some company named Sirius Industries. Does anyone know where to get this converter or have any other hardware converters that they know exists? Or any type of schematic diagram that will let one build such a convert? Help is appreciated." The first link lists a number for Sirius Industries, but it was tied to a fax machine at the time of this writing. It would be nice to know if they are still in business and if there is any way of contacting them directly about their product.

One-Finger Keyboarding? 137

adubey writes: "Forget Qwerty, forget Dvorak; the best keyboard for palmtops may well be the Fitaly One-Finger Keyboard. " Kinda nifty idea actually, I'm wondering if we'll see one that would work for a wearable PC (like maybe this guy from IBM).

Keyboards - Dvorak or Qwerty? 378

A voice from the mass of Slashdot Anonymous Cowards asks: "A friend of mine has been using a dovark keyboard for about 3 months. He says that his that it has increased his speed almost double. From what I understand the qwerty keyboard was designed to slow people down when they used type writters. Now, since they are on computers, why is the world (US) not using them ? Do you think it is worth using it. I work as a computer tech. if I go to fix some guys computer, is he going to look at me strange becuase I can't type on a qwerty keyboard. I wanted to see everyones opinion on this one. " Um. Are you going to look at me funny because I can't type on a Dvorak keyboard? Do they even make Dvorak keyboards for computers? If so, where can I find such a beast?

The Myth of QWERTY 263

Eric Hillman writes "I've been telling people for years that the Dvorak keyboard is mostly hype. Contrary to popular belief, and unlike certain "standards" I could name, the QWERTY keyboard won its market share fair and square. Now, that bastion of (mostly) unbiased reporting, The Economist, has come to my side of the fray. " I've been telling people forever that that tale is urban legend, glad to see I'm not the only one.

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