Journal Journal: project outline
- User enters keywords used to get list of URLs
generated by Google
- URLs with direct link to document (i.e. URL.../page.html)
are extracted from search results (maximum of 10)
- URLs are 'visited' and code is extracted from each page
- Chunks of text (i.e. content within <p>, <td>, <span> etc.),
and image SRCs are extracted and stored into respective
arrays. This will be done for each of the URLs extracted from
the Google search.
- Text and image arrays are used to create an SVG document that
is essentially a collage of content from each of the 'visited'
The idea is to create a piece of art that is generated entirely from sampled bits and pieces of the web. The final product generated would be an abstract representation of a collection of data put into a completely different context. To make things more interesting, I think it would be neat to play with the keywords entered by the user. For example, mixing up the order of the keywords would prioritize earlier words, or adding boolean keywords that would randomly make some words required whereas others would be excluded from the search. I think there are many ideas I'm trying to illuminate in this project. Among them are:
1) The web is a chaotic entity. There is essentially no order to the web outside of self-contained sites.
2) Search engines are entirely based on algorithms. There is no guarantee that the keywords searched for will return relevant content.
3) A reminder that the nature of the web as a whole is a completely dissociated body of information.
4) Art based on samples of samples of samples... The final rendered document will be based entirely on content that is loosely based on keywords, which will not necessarily have any relevance when put together. The creation of something new based on existing content. Call me lazy.
Anyways, just a quick brainstorm on some ideas that have been floating around in my head. I think I will use this as a basis for my project. If anyone has any thoughts or comments I would be glad to hear them out.