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Journal Quantum Jim's Journal: Jiu-jitsu Lessons for Life 2

On a whim, I decided to enter the no-gi Kumite Classic this past weekend. I learned several valuable life lessons there:

  1. By not eating, you can lose up to 3.5 pounds in a day.
  2. It pays to be punctual; the line gets long quickly.
  3. Overestimating your enemy is just as bad as overestimating yourself.
  4. The best don't talk too much. Ironically I shouldn't be posting in my journal then.
  5. It hurts to lose, even when it was expected. It hurts alot.

So I lost my first and only match of the day after about 1.5-2 minutes. Hey, I couldn't tell the time - too busy grappling. That embarassment will fuel me for next year.

PS: I have four moderator points to use today. What are some interesting stories to apply my god-like powers of approval?

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Jiu-jitsu Lessons for Life

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