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Comment Re:WOT? NO CAPSLOCK? (Score 1) 391

I prefer using Shift over Caps Lock for any LONG STRING OF CAPITALS IN ANY CONTEXT. So on my laptop I told KDE to turn Caps Lock into a "Compose" key (where <caps>a" gives me ä...or maybe it's "a. I'm on Windows, which only has US International keyboard mappings and no Compose key settings so I can't remember).

I'd rather have a dedicated compose key than a Caps Lock key. However, the mechanical Shift Lock previously mentioned as well as a dedicated Compose key sounds like a good idea.

Comment Re:antipiracy (Score 1) 320

I will say that of all the DRMs I've ever had to deal with, Steam has been least annoying. Sure, the client itself has a slight case of Downs, but once you have the game installed and a desktop or Start menu shortcut (or however Wine would translate that in your case), the most you'd see out of the actual client is "Preparing to Launch" and "Oh! There's an update!". Once you're [b]in[/b] the game, the game itself will work perfectly most of the time. And in cases where it doesn't (not often but it happens) it offers a few tools if it's the game itself, and mostly painless remedies for when it's Steam.

Comment Re:Wow (Score 1) 514

I have both KDE and GNOME installed because I find programs from each that are superior to the other (for instance, I <3 K3B, and Amarok is good (1.x is better than 2.0 though), but I also <3 Chromium and Pidgin.)

As for which DE I use, I prefer KDE, though I like GNOME a lot. Simply a personal preference.

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