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Comment Re: Satellite not needed (Score 2) 115

I find it quite believable, seeing how the Venezuelan govt simply issues orders to all ISPs to block the IP ranges of sites that make them uncomfortable; a famous victim is DolarToday.com, a site that tracks the black market currency exchange rate and now publishes unflattering news and opinion. I'd include a few traceroutes but I'm posting from my phone. Even pastebin.com was blocked for more than a year (haven't checked recently) because a list of URLs with leaked emails wad posted there.

Comment Re:The best gift? (Score 1) 113

I hovered over a few links (including some at Amazon) and there's no referrer ID. Since he doesn't send you to his personal blog either (remember Ronald Piquepaille?), it's not even clickbait.

I agree that most of his content is too fluffy, and I usually stop reading way before the middle.

Comment Re:I smell something ... (Score 2) 153

Whenever something sounds too good to be true, it usually isn't. I'll put some cash on this being in the Ig-Nobles in a year or two.

Since you like truisms, here's another: conventional wisdom is not at all.

Back to 'Eat less and exercise', everyone. That's probably safer, anyhow.

Depends. If you're so overweight that you risk joint damage or increased wear, or a heart attack from overexertion, a pill to give you a leg-up is a godsend.
  Plus, not everybody will lose weight just eating "less" and working out; I know because I'm insulin resistant with a bum thyroid to boot; diet and exercise are only part of the solution.

Comment Re: What in the hell was he thinking? (Score 2) 388

Last few words in my comment:

... to buy the info presumably to trade it to Russia or China for a profit or favors.

In other words, Omar al-Kebab may have no interest in bombing the new boat, but ISIS sure might, and China would love to do a bit of the old catch-up, and the Russians definitely see the strategic value. So Omar will pay nicely, hoping to make a profit.

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