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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 6 declined, 2 accepted (8 total, 25.00% accepted)


Submission + - Venezuelan Govt seeks Internet content bill, NAP

Ah, none is more coward! writes: Several local and international news outlets report that the overwhelmingly pro-Chávez Venezuelan National Assembly is considering to reform their Social Responsibility law to include Internet content. Besides regulations on mature content and mandatory airing of government messages, the existing bill includes broad prohibitions against "destabilizing" and "disquieting" content.

The Assembly will also propose a proposal for a single national Internet access point, "with a view to handling outgoing and incoming traffic in Venezuela".

Submission + - Laser 'tattoos' for labelling fruit ( 3

arielCo writes: Those helpful-yet-annoying little stickers on fruits that tell the cashier the variety and brand may be replaced with a CO2 laser etching. Quoth the PhysOrg article: "the laser cauterizes the peel, much like when a laser is used on human skin. The cauterized area is impenetrable to pathogens and decay organisms and resists water loss". Demonstrated on a grapefruit, it is due for testing on "tomatoes, avocado and other citrus fruits". The original paper (abstract) requires a paid subscription.

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