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Comment The problem is not the medium... (Score 5, Insightful) 601

The problem is the culture. The fact that there is a poor signal to noise ratio in employee communications is unlikely to be remedied by simply swapping medium... The garbage will just come through the new channel. The situation will only improve if people begin thinking about what is necessary to communicate, rather than spamming every thought that comes into their mind.

Of course, banning *all* forms of electronic, textual communication might help this... but it doesn't seem (from the summary at least) that this is what's being suggested.

Comment Photo = fake (Score 1) 170

I hadn't seen the photo til today either... But I'm not convinced they're authentic tbh.

What is the context of the photo? Why is the man wearing what appears to be a skirt? And why does the skirt look like 2 black rectangles drawn on with MS Paint?

Make no mistake... I really don't want that photo to be authentic.

Comment Re:Resolution? (Score 1) 1118

Oh! I misunderstood a little it seems :-)

But the rumored upgrade (now rumored for a summer release) *was* a doubling of the res in both axes. I've not heard of a mobile gfx part that can drive that kind of resolution, with the kind of gfx we're expecting, and not require a lot of juice...

That said I haven't been listening. If it can be done with today's tech, I'd be impressed.

Comment Re:Resolution? (Score 1) 1118

The doubling of the resolution (like from iPhone 3G(S) to iPhone 4) doesn't necessitate a redesign... it just requires that you re-render your graphics in the higher resolution.

I just submitted the Retina upgrade to my iPhone app (yeah... I'm a bit late with it) and all I needed to do was include the higher quality images.

Comment Re:Painful (Score 1) 572

Interesting... I just assumed that case-sensitive was the norm when I reinstalled Mac OS, being a Linux-type myself.

So I spent a little while formatting, and then restoring from Time Machine to a now case-insensitive OS partition. Problem solved I guess. (To anybody reading this, it isn't for the feint of heart, and doesn't 'just work' as you'd like it to. Basically you need to do a fresh install, followed by importing from a Time Machine backup).

As a programmer though, I can't help but shudder when I see stuff like this. There's just not really an excuse, and most programmers manage to not screw it up. Heck, even Microsoft doesn't have this kind of restriction on their OS X products.

Comment Re:Painful (Score 1) 572

Honestly though, I'm not sure what they're thinking.

I'm generalizing here, but I think the last thing the average Mac user will be impressed by is being told Steam doesn't work with their filesystem. AFAIK Macs sold today use case-sensitive filesystems by default.

Of all the places you can cut corners to save development time, it strikes me that this might be the most idiotic choice imaginable. It drops potential customers before they've had a chance to even at what you have to offer.

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