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Comment Re:55% (Score 1) 198

Having a low chance of contracting Parkinson doesn't mean you don't have a high chance of contracting one of the hundreds of debilitating or lethal diseases out there. You could also die before retirement from thousands of other causes.

Why are you still on /. instead of packing that suitcase now?

Comment Re:Navigation (Score 1) 192

I don't know how Joomla has evolved since I last used it several years ago (just after the introduction of joomla 1.5), but its flaws were blockers for me.

It had almost no extensibility (new features had to be written almost like external applications, integrability with the core of the cms was minimal), no adaptability (you couldn't add a field to a content form without modifying half a dozen files, and there were no way to have different content types. Also you couldn't change the site structure: you had to hav all your content under a 2-levels hierarchy of sections and category), and no inter-operability between extensions (an extension like jacl, which brought almost-decent acl capabilities to joomla, was unable to work with community manager, a widely used extension that implemented the concept of use groups).

And it used an MVC object structure that looked like the software architect had no idea of the goal of an mvc structure, but had read in a blog that mvc is good.

Comment Re:Navigation (Score 5, Insightful) 192

it's easy to find and hire people who are familiar with it.

who *think they* are familiar with it.

Drupal looks easy to extend for a beginner developper because, like php, you don't have to do something right to have it work.
So it's really quick to have a mess of a codebase that leads to an unstable site that's a nightmare to maintain.

But if you really know the insides of it, you can craft a something beautiful that runs smoothly and is easy to work with. It's not perfect, and "real" coders will look at its non-use of OOP with contempt, but it's pretty good at what it can do.

And, let's be honest for a second: it's one of the least horrible open source CMSs out there (at least in the php world, I don't really know about Java or python or other CMSs).
If you want a good pphp cms, you have Drupal or Ezpublish. There's wordpress that wants to be a cms but isn't quite there, Joomla is a joke, Typo3 is from another time... The perfect software doesn't exist.

Comment Re:So... why use Opera? (Score 1) 314

A few years ago is not now. Try writing a game running in html5 canvas.

I wrote one a few months ago for the github game-off:
It's faster in chrome/chromium, but it's playable in firefox and opera.

I've written several tests to optimize canvas rendering. I found that chrome benefits a lot more from pre-rendering in an hidden canvas, while firefox doesn't benefit from it at all. Opera is about twice as fast as firefox for pure canvas rendering, and a little faster than chrome.

Keep in mind, I only test rendering a small (12x12px) image, and a game is a lot more than that: pure js performance is very important and not tested here at all.

Here are my test results right now (on linux, with several tabs open in chrome but only one in opera):
Chrome 24:
Draw 100k sprites: 0.551s
Draw 100k sprites in a buffer: 0.370s
Draw 100k sprites with a rotation: 2.193s
Draw 100k sprites with a rotation in a buffer: 2.145s
Draw rotate a sprite in a buffer, the draw it 100k times in another buffer: 0.427s

Opera 12.12:

Firefox 17:

Comment Re:So... why use Opera? (Score 1) 314

Opera's javascript engine was pretty fast a few years ago, before chrome existed. It was way faster than firefox's, ie's or safari's.

Then chrome arrived and, although opera's engine has evolved a lot and is faster than ever, it never managed to reclaim its first place, even letting firefox claim the second place in the javascript speed race.

Comment Re:Can't Go Backwards (Score 1) 736

If your progress bar shows progress for several different tasks, it might be a good idea to divide it into several progress bars showing the progress for each part.
Say you must download some data file, then import locally (it could be anything: an update for a game, a feed for an rss reader, etc...). you could have one progress bar, but you have no way of knowing if the time taken by the two subtasks is similar, or if downloading will take 95% of time, or if downloading will be almost instant...

So you show two bars :
Downloading data... 100% complete
Importing Data... 47%

You will never have bars that never change filling rate, because downloading rate or available processor resources or quantities of other things may vary, but you can limit it by not using only one bar to show completion of entirely different tasks.

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