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Submission + - Teach science and math through the pinewood derby (pinewoodphysics.com)

jpswensen writes: "Several months ago, someone posted on AskSlashdot about tips on building a fast pinewood derby car. We weren't finished with our video, so I didn't want to post then, but we now have it completed. There are several videos out there that simply give tips and techniques for building a car, but we took a slightly different approach. Our video is first educational (about 60 of the 110 minutes) and secondly a "howto" on building a car and simple track for home. The movie came about because of the experience my collaborator, Dr. Scott Acton, had with his son. In fact, they spent one summer building several pinewood derby cars and doing many of the experiments shown in the video.
<rant> Now is where I talk about how we need to find more ways to get young kids interested in math and science and I think videos like ours and programs like FIRST Robotics and others are exactly what we need more of. So, check it out, buy it if you like, and promote math and science to kids in whatever ways you can find. </rant>"

Comment Your employee probably already owns your ideas (Score 2, Informative) 185

As for whether you own your own ideas or not, many companies make you sign away patent right for anything you come up with (while working for them, whether on the job or not) that is related to their business interests. Sometimes very skilled or well-known people can weasle their way out of clauses like this, but for the most part you probably signed away your right to patent tech stuff when you signed you offer acceptance letter. go read it.

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