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Comment Re:For Slashdotters who haven't been paying attent (Score 1) 105

You should go into politics yourself. You seem to be able to skew the facts and turn competitive race(s) where no one really knows how people are going to vote, into "There are almost no serious analysts who disagree on this point." So, in one sentence you are saying you know all and anyone who disagrees with you is not serious.

Some notes:

You said: "with a veto-proof majority"
- Last time I checked, a veto-proof majority was not the same as a simple majority. The Democrats will not have a 2/3 majority in both houses of Congress, which is required to overturn a veto.

You said: "Republicans are looking to pick up the Washington state seat, which they won't, and the Maryland seat, which they also will not ..." "The only possibility for a Republican pickup is really New Jersey"
- You used words like won't, not, and only in your statement. Sounds like you know what you are talking about.

You could probably get a job at the Literary Digest. Or better yet, get on as a PR person for the Dewey campain.

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