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Comment Ban it, and something worse will come along. (Score 1) 376

You can bet food manufacturers will not just decide "Well, I guess we can't use this anymore, so we'll just switch to lower shelf-life products."

Interesterified oils? As bad, if not worse.
TBHQ? WAY worse. Looking for DNA damage? Look no further.

Meet the new boss, worse than the old boss.

I'm all in favor of telling people that something is a potential danger, and letting them make the decision on their own. I don't buy "low sodium" cheese because it taste worse. I do buy "low sodium" V8 because it tastes better. Then again, what do I know? I don't work for the nanny state.

Comment British kid will ruin it. (Score 0) 732

Call me a hateful bigot, but casting that Asa Butterfield as Ender will be the downfall of this film. He ruined Hugo, ruined The Boy in Striped Pyjamas, and probably everything else he's touched. I have already promised everyone I know that I will not be seeing this in the theater, and not renting it.

Comment not completely pointless (Score 1) 64

You've never worked a helpdesk, have you? There are few things more painful than spending 40 minutes on a call with someone who can't figure out how to copy and paste, or type their username and password into the provided and labeled fields.

These are people working for some of the biggest engineering firms in the world. I only wish I were joking.

Comment every investor? (Score 1) 264

You must not understand where your IRAs are, because they're in these companies.

Does that mean every mutual fund must pass this punishment on to its customers? There's no way, because that might be a breach of confidence.

You (as the investor) have no way of knowing exactly what gets done because the information doesn't come out until it's too late for you to make an informed decision.

Are you a senator or congress critter? Upper management of a US automaker?

Comment bad advice (Score 1) 984

If civil engineers designed traffic lights like this, it would _ruin_ automobile transportation. Have you ever driven a car/truck/bicycle in America?

It seems like you're encouraging a race to see who can approach the light at the slowest possible pace to ensure they can stop before it turns red for fear of being punished? That is the wrong paradigm.

Comment innovation doesn't matter (Score 1) 61

I'm not joking. The trick seems to be finding a way to improve your odds in the numbers game of marketing. Usually, it's by finding a way to get mentioned at the water cooler. It doesn't matter that if product you sell is indistinguishable from any of the competitors, what matters is that they remember yours.

Look what Jobs did with the Macbook line, even just the "Think different." tagline. Dodge seemed to have a winner with the "Hi." campaign. AFLAC's duck is a great way to help remember them. Volkswagen's "Das Auto" was pretty great. Wendy's "Where's the beef?" lady will probably never be forgotten.

Comment not unbelievable (Score 1) 213

John Deere has a variety of satellite-guided systems that can be implemented, and there are a few methods to monitor and program firmware over a wireless connection (I don't know the exact communications medium, it's not my field). Suggesting that there is 500+GB isn't unlikely, because I use CAN to interact with the hardware that we test, and a few seconds of reading a few variables can easily be 1MB.

Here's my quick number-crunching output:
500GB / 5 hours (estimate average flight including prep) = 100GB / hour
100GB / 60min / 60sec = .0278GB / sec of data being recorded
If it's anything like the CAN system here, they'll probably have 16 byte messages, depending on how it's subdivided. A lot of things report at 1000ms intervals, but more critical ones report at 100ms or faster. .0278GB/s = 28.4MB/s = 29127KB/s = 29826162 bytes / second
29826162 byte / 24 byte / 10 ms =
Assuming they use 16 byte messages with 8 character message IDs logged to .asc or .blf, etc, that breaks down to roughly 124000 things reporting every 100ms. My guess is that there are probably messages transmitted to the ground every minute or thirty seconds, or about 3MB per data burst.

Comment Re:certifications are like proof of fluency (Score 1) 117

I probably should have added a couple of notes about how the best people don't waste their time with certifications, because their previous experience exceeds the crap these certifications imply.

Make no mistake, I think this garbage is as useless to the IT world as used toilet paper is to a hungry man, but there are still short-sighted management units and HR drones that will only believe you know anything about magical black boxes if you have a piece of paper from someone else who says that you do.

Comment certifications are like proof of fluency (Score 1) 117

In a nutshell, a certification is like a piece of paper that says "I can speak this language fluently.".

If you didn't know how to speak Hindi, but needed to do business in a remote part of India where Hindi is the dominant language, wouldn't it be nice if you could hire someone (local to you) with proof of their fluency?

The problem is that far too many HR departments and managers don't understand that demanding roughly half of these certifications from anyone who has spent even a year in IT would be akin to demanding a native English speaker have some kind of ESL training/certification.

Comment Re:hidden requirements? (Score 1) 353

Clearly, one of us has been able to decide that seeking income isn't our first goal when trying to find a job. Until this year, I've been unable to find employment that (consistently) pays even $10/hour, and I'm 30. Since I finished my first degree, the first thing I look at when seeking a better job is how much it will pay. To date, the best money I've made is delivering pizza, and it's not because I lack ability, intelligence, or willingness to work.

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