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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 26 declined, 6 accepted (32 total, 18.75% accepted)


Submission + - Don't Panic

ISoldat53 writes: May 25 is Towel Day. Do you know where your towel is?

Submission + - Lionsgate sued for ripping off model (

ISoldat53 writes: The producers of "Mad Men" are being sued by a model appearing in the opening sequence of the show. They have never given her credit for the image. From her attorney, "If two minutes of 'Mad Men' had been taken for commercial purposes, Lionsgate would be throwing thermonuclear bombs," he said.

Submission + - Post Homo sapiens homonids ( 1

ISoldat53 writes: Researchers have identified a group of Africans that appear to have diverged from the H. sapiens gene pool. See the RTFA for details. We have spent years trying to find out where we as a species come from; it's interesting to speculate on where we are going.

Submission + - Ease of publishing an ebook (

ISoldat53 writes: This article describes how easy it is to publish an ebook. The author details the costs to the writer for a major publishing house to publish a book and the savings to the writer by self-publishing. He looks to make the same profit selling the book at $2.99 on as he does going though a publisher. The book is Kindle specific for now but the author describes how it can be purchased though and converted for other readers. No DRM.

Submission + - US to fund software maker tied to Falun Gong (

ISoldat53 writes: From the Washington Post "The State Department has decided to fund a group run mainly by practitioners of Falun Gong, a Buddhist-like sect long considered Enemy No. 1 by the Chinese government, to provide software to skirt Internet censorship across the globe. " Is this because US software developers don't want to make China mad?

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