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Comment Re:I felt a great disturbance in the Force... (Score 2, Informative) 538

I see this as the rise of Linux on the Desktop

This again? Ha!

the fact that Microsoft has decided the Desktop is no longer relevant.

I suggest people actually watch the keynote before running off at the mouth with uninformed comments. You can switch between the new "metro" interface and the standard desktop interface. Metro is an alternative to the desktop interface, it doesn't replace it. One is geared toward tablet like devices, the other toward desktop, but you have the choice to use either interface on either form factor. You can switch between the two seamlessly, and it appears to work surprisingly well.

I now look forward to comments accusing me of astroturfing.

Comment Re:Planned obsolescence treadmill accelerating (Score 1) 516

What distros are you using that are so buggy?

How about Ubuntu? Where do I start... Oh yes. How about something as fundamental as a launcher bar, that by default auto-hides. A bad default, IMO, but easily remedied by altering a setting. Except, THERE IS NOT SETTING to disable auto-hide. Yes, you actually have to install a plug-in to disable auto-hide of the launcher bar. That's not the worst part though.

The edge detection for the auto-hiding launcher bar is horrendous. The cursor literally has to be touching the edge of the screen for it to pop out, and then once the cursor leaves the edge, even if its hovering over an icon, the bar will auto-hide. A comedy of errors.

Of course, let's not forget the intermittent dropping of my wired internet connection, the terrible multi-monitor support (hell, let's just put it out there: desktop linux is built on top a steaming pile of shit,

Desktop Linux is also much slower, with features like pre-fetching requiring manual setup (whereas the Windows equivalent superfetch is just there).

Windows has only recently caught up to Linux in stability.

If we're talking just the kernel, sure. Desktop linux as a whole is absurdly bug-ridden. It's a joke. You can stop perpetuating this myth that desktop linux is a viable replacement for commercial operating systems. That train left like 5 years ago.

Comment Re:Failure (Score 1) 406

There's no opinion involved in the fact that you stated something that was factually incorrect in an extremely inflammatory matter and then got called out on it. I never claimed to be smart, but I'll take it as a compliment that you imply I feel as such. I've taken great pleasure in making a fool out of you. Every reply is another opportunity in doing so, so I look forward to your next far-reaching attempt at saving face.

Comment Re:Failure (Score 0) 406

Man, you're not good with this whole "logic" thing are you? It was an inflammatory comment regardless of whether or not the project was actually dead. My point was, apparently completely lost on you, is that if you *are* going to say something inflammatory, at least take 30 seconds worth of research to make sure what you're saying is factually correct. So to break this down in terms you might understand:

Saying something inflammatory + saying something factually incorrect == moron.


you == moron.

Comment Re:Failure (Score 1) 406

Dead by what metric? The fact that the website hasn't been updated? Perhaps you should check the commit log before making such uninformed statements (~10 commits a day as far back as I checked). Typical cynical slashdot neckbeard, reading just enough to spew a bunch of indignant tripe.

Comment Re:You are a renegade. (Score 1) 132


Hardly. JS is nuanced. Undefined vs null? == vs ===? Simple in the fact that it doesn't contain crazy "advanced" language constructs like namespaces or imports so you ultimately have to bastardize the ever-loving shit out of other language constructs to accomplish the same thing? Yes, it's simple in the sense that it will let you do almost anything and you will pull your hair out trying to figure out what the hell is going wrong.

In the browser it is single threaded. You don't need to worry about concurrent programming.

Well played, sir. Pretend that an inherent limitation is somehow a feature. As if, if I were to choose another language, I would be forced to write multithreaded code.

Also, JS has first class functions, yes, but so do LOTS of other languages.

Exactly. I was never "picking" on first class functions. It was part of all the hubbub when some random group of hipsters suddenly thought javascript had enough redeeming qualities to make it worth using outside the browser, as if it was somehow unique, or in the case of prototypal inheritance, actually useful in any sort of practical sense.

Comment You are a renegade. (Score 5, Funny) 132

Remember when javascript had a terrible rep? Then people were all like, "No! It's totally awesome! It has first-class functions and prototypal inheritance!" Yeah, you remember. You read all the blogs. You had flashbacks to your not-so-pleasant encounters with javascript while developing client-side web applications. Then, all the sudden, prototypal inheritance became the in-thing, like popped collars. No matter how ugly or ridiculous it looked, you didn't want to be the only one who didn't think it was cool. You started writing gobs of hard to organize, impossible to refactor serverside javascript code. You convinced yourself, somehow, that you saved time by not having to issue some "compile" command. No, it just starts, DYNAMICALLY! What a cool word, dynamic -- like Ugg boots! And like wearing Ugg boots in the summertime, you tortured yourself searching for simple runtime errors. Static checking? Compiling? These are the things of white-collared enterprise folks.

You are not a white collared enterprise guy. You are a renegade. With a popped-collar. And ugg boots.

Comment Re:derp derp (Score 1) 766

You act as if forking is always a good thing. IMO, it was more of a knee-jerk reaction that not only fragments the community, but the software as well. Now you have two similar yet different products with fewer people supporting both. The real victim here in the end-user, all because a few people share some flawed software ideology.

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