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Comment Re:Mozilla's public disclosure (Score 1) 154

Everything I've read by someone who seems to know what he's doing says that writing down passwords is a good idea for most people, and I tend to agree. Writing down passwords and keeping them safe, say in your wallet, gives you a backup in case you forget and lets you be less afraid to pick a long, tough password for fear of forgetting.

Comment Re:Horrible summary (Score 1) 631

By your logic the doctor should not be held liable for not using a generally accepted safety standard. At a certain point when a safety system because so universally acknowledged as basic, it becomes criminal to not include it. That is why we have seat belts. It is why we have air bags.

Two issues with your conclusion. One, the patented technology in this case is far from standard, currently only found on a few high-end saws. Two, the difference between the two cases is in this case the victim knowingly chose not to spend extra on himself, while in your case the doctor, who was supposed to be caring for the victim, knowingly chose not to spend extra on the victim. In both cases, the person who should be held responsible is the person who chose not to spend the extra money. In your case, it was the doctor. In this case, it was the victim.

Comment Re:Frogs in boiling water (Score 2, Insightful) 236

The problem is not that Verizon shouldn't be allowed to sell you services under their rules; that is fine. What isn't fine is selling service under one set of rules and then changing those rules with little notice (or apparently none if you view your bill online), especially when those changes concern your privacy.

Comment Re:Wow, evolution (Score 2, Interesting) 453

The probability that a fish species can evolve into a horse species can only be 1 or 0, since it either can or it can't (hint: it's not zero). However the probability that a fish species will evolve into a horse species is quite small, but again not zero. Also, since we don't have the technology to accurately observe extrasolar planets, we have no idea the likelihood that other planets could support intelligent life; however, given the size of the universe, I would expect it to actually be fairly large that there is at least one other planet similar to ours.

Comment Re:How? (Score 1) 275

The pipe dream here is solar space power. It's an absurd concept that will never be profitable compared to Earth-based utilities.

I wouldn't say that. It may be a concept that will never be profitable in our lifetimes, but I'd hesitate to say it will never be profitable. When we've already colonized the moon, Venus, and Mars, our power needs very well may exceed the ability of the planets to support, and that's when we move to a Class II civilization. Of course, since we are far from even a Class I civilization, you are definitely correct that attempting to use the sun to provide us with our power needs is a pipe dream at this time.

Comment Re:I wish the US Supreme Court was that smart. (Score 1) 708

This is when I like to quote George Orwell:

Thus, for example, tanks, battleships and bombing planes are inherently tyrannical weapons, while rifles, muskets, long-bows, and hand-grenades are inherently democratic weapons. A complex weapon makes the strong stronger, while a simple weapon -- so long as there is no answer to it -- gives claws to the weak.

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A large number of installed systems work by fiat. That is, they work by being declared to work. -- Anatol Holt
