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Comment Re:How deep? (Score 1) 725

and there you're correct. but still, the proportional error is ~5 times bigger when measuring 24 times. And i do believe the keyword here is proportional, ofcourse if you have a 1% measurement error, it doesn't amount to much, but if you make it 5%, all of a sudden you're off. Congrats on a nice course.

Comment Re:They never were (Score 0, Troll) 186

actually, i would recommend neither. Competing with fuel is just a bad idea, and can lead to food shortage in poor parts of the world. A More feasible solution is celluloic ethanol, i.e. from wood, corn stover, hemp and biogas (methane) from farms. but still this is nowhere near enough, and we need to change the way we think about transportation. And i can't believe that people still argue that there's no global warming. It's sort of like arguing that the earth is 6000 years old..

Prescription Handguns For the Elderly and Disabled Screenshot-sm 1093

Repton writes "Thanks to the Second Amendment, even the elderly have the right to keep and bear arms. The problem is that many of the guns out there are a bit unwieldy for an older person to handle. However, the inventors of the Palm Pistol are planning to change all that with a weapon that is ideal for both the elderly and the physically disabled. In a statement submitted to Medgadget, the manufacturer, Constitution Arms, has revealed the following: 'We thought you might be interested to learn that the FDA has completed its "Device/Not a Device" determination and concluded the handgun will be listed as a Class I Medical Device.' Physicians will be able to prescribe the Palm Pistol for qualified patients who may seek reimbursement through Medicare or private health insurance companies."

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One possible reason that things aren't going according to plan is that there never was a plan in the first place.
