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Comment Re:spin. (Score 0) 523

I agree that military secrets are important. The thing is, many of the things that he released, that I have heard about (I haven't done much research), shouldn't have been military secrets. Other things that I have heard that he released should definitely been kept secret. So, my point: 1) Bad to release classified information. 2) There needs to be a change in how things are deemed classified, as some of the things that have been released the public had a right, at least in my opinion and many other people's opinion, to know, and wouldn't have endangered people in the field any more than any other negative reports about the US military would.

Comment But why? (Score -1, Redundant) 300

Why build such fast internet when no one will have anything to use it for? They are filtering so much stuff out that by the time this is available people won't need over a 1Mb/s connection. Hell maybe by that time they will only need a 256Kb/s connection for basic web surfing only. Seems pointless to me. Let people use the bandwidth you provide, otherwise why waste all that money?

Comment Re:Taxation without representation (Score 1) 713

You know Oregon gas prices are usually lower than both Washington and California, so your not paying extra for someone to fill your tank. It provides jobs andsupposedly keeps things safe. Its really quite nice, if its raining and windy and crap, you don't have to get out of your car (unless its a pay inside place).

Comment Re:I hate the RIAA as much as anyone (Score 0) 663

If your serving someone, you are supposed to find them and give them the notice in person if they haven't responded to the mail notice. Either way, being really fucking sick in a hospital is a fairly good reason to not respond in time. I wish someone with a ton of money would sue the RIAA for something, let me work on what the legal argument would be.

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