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Comment Crimes pays, so does inventing viruses. (Score 1) 54

Ron is from the same "venture" that convinced the Dutch government to make the tax payers invest millions and millions in useless vaccines. And now somehow they still feel they don't need to be held accountable by the Dutch government. I trust him as far as I can throw him. And I promise I'll make a real good effort....

Comment Colleagues, customers, clients, whatever (Score 0) 960

If the IT guys would refer to me as colleague, client, customer, whatever I would be quite happy.
But no.... the IT guys always refer to me as a 'user'. I am your f***cking colleague, trying to help the company as a whole forward.
As long as IT think of themselves as a separate company-within-the-company despite their ever poor performance, they have my contempt. H.

Comment Re:How about the inner diameter? (Score 1) 180

Ok, how about this: I was personally present at the IEEE ceremony from the link and Joop Sinjou was telling stories about the early days of the CD development, which he was the project leader of. One of his anecdotes was how the engineers couldn't decide on a size for the hole and how he personally had picked the dime from his pocket and how that had settled the case. So I heard it from the man's own mouth, during an official IEEE event. It doesn't get much more reliable than that....

RIP, SunSolve 100

Kymermosst writes "Today marks the last day that SunSolve will be available. Oracle sent the final pre-deployment details today for the retirement of SunSolve and the transition to its replacement, My Oracle Support Release 5.2, which begins tomorrow. People who work with Sun's hardware and software have long used SunSolve as a central location for specifications, patches, and documentation."

Gnome 2.30 Released 138

Hypoon writes "The GNOME project is proud to release this new version of the GNOME desktop environment and developer platform. Among the hundreds of bug fixes and user-requested improvements, GNOME 2.30 has several highly visible changes: new features for advanced file management, better remote desktop experience, easier notes synchronization and a generally smoother user experience. Learn more about GNOME 2.30 through the detailed release notes and the press release."

Fossil of Ant-Eating Dinosaur Discovered In China 64

thomst writes "Charles Q. Choi of LiveScience reports that a farmer in southern Henan Province in China has dug up the first known ant-eating dinosaur, a half-meter-long theropod (the dinosaur family to which T. Rex belongs), whose fossilized remains were described as 'fairly intact'. The 83- to 89-million-year-old pygmy dinosaur has been named named Xixianykus zhangi by Xig Xu, De-you Wang, Corwin Sullivan, David Hone, Feng-lu Han, Rong-hao Yan, and Fu-ming Du, whose paper on the critter, A basal parvicursorine (Theropoda: Alvarezsauridae) from the Upper Cretaceous of China, was published in the March 29 issue of Zootaxa (the abstract is available in PDF format for free, the full article is paywall-protected.)"

The 10 Most Absurd Scientific Papers 127

Lanxon writes "It's true: 'Effects of cocaine on honeybee dance behavior,' 'Fellatio by fruit bats prolongs copulation time,' and 'Are full or empty beer bottles sturdier and does their fracture-threshold suffice to break the human skull?' are all genuine scientific research papers, and all were genuinely published in journals or similar publications. Wired's presentation of a collection of the most bizarrely-named research papers contains seven other gems, including one about naval fluff and another published in The Journal of Sex Research."

Comment Not temperature, but power counts. (Score 1) 410

It's not the temperature that. The melting temp of any material can be looked up. It's how long you can *sustain* that temperature in your saver. The evaporation energy of the metal is drawn out of the saber and needs to be resupplied in enormous rates to be able to 'cut' fast. I do this for my work, metal sheet processing with lasers. We are very happy to be able to cut a centimeter thick metal sheet at several millimeters per second. We need a 1 kW laser for that, and the cut is only a hair thick. The laser light density is > 1 Giga Watt per square millimieter. If you want to cut wider and/or faster, no need more power. So with the light saver you'd need a small 1MW nuclear reactor strapped on your back for day-to-day use!

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