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Comment Re:Cue huge pushback from the AMA in 3...2... (Score 1) 392

If they look illegal, then they must be!!!

American's do not have dark skin and speak a foreign language!

But really, it is an ER! There is a triage process as well as ambulance runs that usually aren't visible to those in the main waiting areas. If you wanted faster service, stop applying pressure! As soon as the nurse realizes that you are dumping blood all over the floor, they will get you to a bed. As long as your condition in not "immediately life threatening," it does not meet the standard of emergency.

And above all else, remember, you are not special simply because you are an English speaking caucasian.

Comment The Dirty Secret (Score 2) 504

So, the dirty secret is that most IT employers know that degrees and certificates mean absolutely nothing. The bottom lines of them is that the individual was able to memorize the required information long enough to pass a test. Most do not retain that knowledge for longer than is required...and nearly all students do not practice what they have learned long enough to gain any true experience. There are exceptions to this rule, but far-and-few between.

When IT managers are not directly doing the hiring, HR departments are often asked to include the phrase "blah degree or equivalent experience" in the job postings. This opens the door for those with X number of years doing hands-on work and no degree to get past the submission process. But it often comes down to who actually hires the individual. Some bottom-line oriented companies will hire droves of fresh graduates for no other reason than they are cheap. It is quite a bit harder to get someone with 5 to 10-years experience to want to work for <30k/yr.

IMHO- I would rather hire someone with 5+ years working experience than a fresh BS recipient. That being said, any BS degree is often sufficient to meet a minimum job posting the end of the day, it comes down to how much you really know and how well you can articulate your skills.

Comment Re:Osama must be laughing in his grave. (Score 1) 465

I don't know...I plead Ambien.

You know, my phone has a "drunk texting" feature...Whose purpose is to prevent one from shooting off damaging text messages after one-to-many drinks. I think /. should have a similar feature for somnolence-posting. We may find it more of an epidemic in these forums than we are all ready to admit.

Comment Re:Osama must be laughing in his grave. (Score 1) 465

Apparently you forgot about the trillion dollars Bush spent on a fictitious war...

My favorite quote use to be the one engraved on Ellis Island, paraphrasing, those who sacrifice security for freedom deserve neither.

Now it is the Bush quote, "There ought to be limits to freedom."

The only problem with Obama is that he keeps trying to rule from the middle...he needs to step more to one side, and he will be a great President.

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