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Comment If you love testing, work in aerospace (Score 1) 228

I once worked on simulation software for a new satellite that could be patched on-orbit (an orbiting satellite might as well be on Mars -- if you break it, it's going to stay broken). One of the main purposes of the software simulator, which ran the actual flight code that was on the bird, was to test new patches before they were pushed to the vehicle (and the vehicle itself did some validation of the patch after the upload was complete before applying it). Of course, hardware-in-the-loop testing using a duplicate test satellite on the ground was also done as a final step. In addition to a software simulator, I'm sure NASA has a duplicate rover or two in their labs for testing. The amount of testing done on these programs would drive you insane.

Comment Productivity == SLOC (Score 1) 349

As a software developer, I have yet to hold a job where I felt as though I was being paid to produce quality software.

Me: "In order to implement the new functionality I've had to rewrite the entire module"
PM: "Ooooh, what's the SLOC?"
Me: "It's decreased by about 2000."
PM: "WTF?! How am I supposed to report that on my weekly metrics spreadsheet?"

Comment Re:meh (Score 1) 286

So if I'm hired, either on a contract basis or as an employee, to write a software application for someone else and that person takes the product of my labor (for which he paid and owns the copyright) and makes millions with it, how did I get screwed?

Comment Re:Why? (Score 4, Interesting) 187

Many years ago, when I was working on a large govt contract, one of the GS civilian managers got caught messing around with his secretary in one of the stairwells (security cameras? where?) and was not fired. He was instead 'promoted' into some position that, best I could tell, involved organizing social events and morale/team building activities. Since he couldn't be fired, he was placed in a slacker, low-stress position where he wouldn't be entrusted with anything that was actually important.

Comment Re:I wouldn't. (Score 1) 429

I've always wondered why we don't have a massive geothermal power-generating complex sitting on top of Yellowstone. I remember visiting the park several years ago and as I watched Old Faithful erupt, I couldn't shake the thought that we really ought to be exploiting the awesome potential of this place.

Comment Re:And also want to pay more rent (Score 2) 282

No, when the young talent gets married and has kids they find a job in another part of the country with a sane COL. I interviewed with a few of these 'hip' companies in SV, and they tend to balk when they hear my current salary (and I currently live in a rather low cost of living area). Not to mention that, at the ripe old of age of 32, I feel like a geezer as soon as I walk in the door at your typical startup. Now when I get a call from a recruiter who thinks I'm perfect for some position in the SF Bay area, I just say "No, Thanks."

Comment Re:"Reliably better" (Score 1) 287

I don't know. I rather don't like the theme to "The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air", but years of watching that show when I was a kid has permanently burned the lyrics into my brain. Many an 80s sitcom theme song is still rattling around in my brain as well. Also, I only had to hear the nails-on-a-chalkboard-awful "Just A Friend" by Biz Markie once and I will now be able to instantly recall the lyrics to the chorus until the day I die.

Comment Respect for Privacy: The new ISP differentiator (Score 3, Informative) 157

Oh cool, I was beginning to view internet access as a commodity, with no real difference between ISPs... Now I have something to use as a discriminator when selecting a new provider.

So.... AT&T, Cablevision, Comcast, Time Warner Cable, and Verizon just managed to remove themselves from ever being considered by me again (and no, I don't ever knowingly download copyrighted material without paying for it).

Something tells me the mom&pop ISP down the road doesn't have the time/staff/inclination to bother with this kind of crap.

P.S.: Internet business idea #3,633,235: Privacy-focused ISP.

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