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Comment Limited quantities? (Score 1) 282

I'd like to know why there will only be limited quantities available for the NA market. Is there some reason for that? Don't they want to accept as many donations as possible?

I strongly considered getting an XO laptop for myself. (Screw the kids, why should they have all the coolest stuff. :-)) I ended up going with the Asus Eee PC because it has a more traditional LCD screen, more RAM, more storage and a built-in SD card slot. Battery life isn't nearly as good with the Asus, and it is only about as rugged as a normal PC. But hey.

I've almost finished setting up my Eee PC with standard Debian GNU/Linux (testing). Don't have open-source drivers for the WLAN, Ethernet, camera, and SD card. Did get the WLAN running with ndiswrapper though. I don't think I'll go back to the default Xandros install, I'd need to recompile too many other packages I get from Debian by hand.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Functional Programming and Abstracting Time

This recently became clear to me. With functional programming (FP), you are, in effect, trying to abstract out time as much as possible.

Non-FP languages let you abstract out concepts. You don't worry about sending SYN packets, you just start communication with socket(). You don't worry about the details of how directory entries are stored, you just run 'ls' or 'dir'.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Learning New Programming Languages

Here's a slightly wacky idea for learning a new programming language (or two). This only works if you're fairly experienced programmer already.

Start with a good, fairly advanced programming book such as Peter Norvig's "Paradigms of Artificial Intelligence Programming". This book has all its examples written in Common Lisp. Then translate the examples into another language. In my case, Haskell. I don't really know Common Lisp all that well but that's fine.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Maintaining the friends list 4

Heh. I've been on Slashdot quite a while, and this is the first time I've posted a journal entry. I've been thinking about setting up a blog for myself, maybe I'll just use Slashdot instead.

At any rate, I wonder how many other people go through the same process as I do for picking friends in Slashdot.

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When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle. - Edmund Burke
