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Comment Re:From the outside... (Score 1) 667

The problem is that it is not a sane choice. This is ENTIRELY based on fear. If all you do is label something as GMO that tells you nothing at all. This does not help you make any kind of informed decision at all.

Was the GMO done to make the plant drought resistance? does it resist cold? was it modified to be less carcinogenic? was it modified to make a certain companies fertilizer more profitable? etc

Just saying something is GMO is worthless.

I agree entirely. That's what using a GMO identifier would enable - the database of what changes they correspond to and when they were approved should be publicly accessible. If you think about it, that's basically the same level of transparency we currently have with various additives.

Comment Re:From the outside... (Score 1) 667

Look at the EU and their policy on GMO. It is ENTIRELY fear based. They just label something as GMO which is completely useless and people are taught that GMO is bad period. Even research into GMO has almost entirely ended in Europe. It doesn't matter that their own studies show the ones they have tested are safe they continue to be against it not just in the EU but world wide. The EU is a pretty major factor in stopping the usage of golden rice.

What would you propose instead? Given that GMO is relatively new, I think it is important that GMO foods be labelled as such, so that consumers can make an informed choice. Of course, some consumers are idiots, but that's never been a strong argument against depriving the rest of us.

I'm not an expert on the topic, but it seems to me that since there is already infrastructure in place for demonstrating that the GMO product in question is safe for human consumption (which no doubt assigns it some kind of UID), simply adding the identifier to the ingredients list should be enough. It conveys to the consumer that not all GMOs are the same, while still informing them. It also makes it easy for people to google a specific strain/variant and see if any one else has reported issues.

Comment Re:Should be, but it isn't. (Score 1) 386

All in all I just didn't consider it interesting enough to study even. I'm more interested in a true paradigm shift rather than another iteration of C++ which already is good enough for my taste. So I still have haskell overlay and actually do learn haskell :P

I'll agree with you there - D is the sort of language that tries to copy as many features as possible from other languages, rather than one which tries to do anything truly revolutionary. (I think UFCS is the only novel feature it has, and it's nothing more than a nicety.)

Haskell is definitely a much more interesting language - I spent the entirety of last year working with it and don't feel like I even scratched the surface. There are some applications imperative languages are better for though, so it is nice to see languages like Rust and D providing support for both.

Comment Re:D has problems, and not just a few (Score 1) 386

- Huge portions of the standard library are missing attributes like 'pure' and 'nothrow', which directly impacts user code that attempts to include them

Could you explain why adding pure/nothrow is considered a breaking change? I would have thought it only increases the contexts from which the function could be called.

Comment Re:Why D isn't more popular (Score 1) 386

D works quite well with C-based interfaces - you just annotate the function definitions and link against the binaries. (C++ support is a bit more incomplete.)
That said, at 264 kLOC, I don't think you're going to be switching to any new languages, except maybe newer revisions of C/C++.
New languages are only ever feasible for new systems, rewrites, or loosely coupled modules of existing systems. Anything else just causes more headaches than its worth.

Comment Re:I tried it (Score 1) 386

Given that DMD, etc. statically link the standard library by default, the resulting executable won't be significantly difficult from one produced by a C compiler. My guess is you either ran into issues with dub, [1] or you dynamically linked something opengl-related and had trouble due to that on the other systems.

[1] Minor rant: why does language popularised in the last decade need their own, language-specific package management? What's wrong with make or cmake?

Comment Re:Should be, but it isn't. (Score 1) 386

I've been using the overlay, and while I don't like how they've put everything in /opt, I haven't had any problems with it. The ebuilds for gdc, etc. are properly bootstrapped.

(The separate directories in /opt are apparently the result of the lack of a stable ABI between compilers, or even between different versions of the same compiler. AIUI, C++ has the same problem, but most distros just treat GCC as the official compiler instead of treating them all equally.)

Comment Re:Perl, my favorite language is rated higher... (Score 1) 386

I have two main gripes with it on that front. D has a horrid GC (though no GC provides the latency requirements we need), and though it claims you can do without it, you really can't. At least, not without giving up on much of the language features and almost all of the standard library. When comparing to C++'s ability to use custom allocators with the standard library, D's phobos seems deathly pale.

Not sure if you know this, but the GC was recently / is being rewritten, which should hopefully improve things. There's also the new std.allocator interface.

That said, I don't think anyone can seriously claim D has good non-GC support, and it sounds like you definitely need a non-GC language given your latency requirements. Rust would probably work better, but it has its own quirks.

Comment Re:Cute specs, call me when you turn 18. (Score 1) 386

"D offers compilers for all three platforms (Windows, Mac and Linux) as well as FreeBSD."

Note that two of those compilers use GCC and LLVM as their back-ends. In practice, this means that you can use D on any architecture they support. For example, here's a patch that adds D support to buildroot toolchains.

I do agree that the third-party libraries available are pretty limited though.

Comment Re:Lower Level != "Complex" (Score 1) 648

Because even if you're doing simple things, you need to:
- manually manage memory (compared to GC'd languages)
- manually store the length of buffers/arrays
- preallocate arrays for strings, etc. before copying data to them

C is low-level, which makes sense if you want to learn about what the computer is actually doing. But computer architecture is not something that belongs in an introductory computer science course - control structures and basic data structures are far more important, and C just gets in the way of those.

Comment Re:COBOL (Score 1) 386

I said C/C++ because they both use same preprocessor. While I'm sure you could do some interesting things with C++ templates, I haven't seen any use of them that goes beyond generics while still being easy to comprehend. This could be due to my own inexperience though.

Comment Re:a better question (Score 1) 592

It was a long time ago, so I could be misremembering it or confusing it with another model, assuming they haven't changed it since then.

As for the keyboard, I ended up getting a Thinkpad T440p, so that should tell you what my standards are. :P

Comment Re:Nope (Score 1) 243

And this attempt to make a modular phone seems more like a technology demonstration then a product role out. Does anyone think they will try and make a business line out of it? I doubt it.

I think the idea behind Project Ara is the same as the idea behind their Nexus line - they're not interested in being manufacturers, they just want to raise the bar for devices running their software. They'll (hopefully) establish some critical mass, a few other manufacturers will start making parts, and eventually Google won't need to do anything for the system to be self-sustaining, except maybe push for better specs on Ara 2.0...

Comment Re:One thing right in my book (Package management) (Score 1) 489

It's not like you can't add a third party repository with the latest stable (or development) version of Firefox.
Besides, even if you're going to download it somewhere else, would it be good if the OS could check that somewhere else for updates instead of each program have its own auto-update daemon run at startup?

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