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Comment Re:Damn academics (Score 1) 376

I actually thought Jains didn't consume dairy - but apparently many do. Thanks for pointing that out. I agree about militant vegans, that kind of attitude is why many people are uncomfortable around vegetarians/vegans and partially why I don't typically make a big deal about my own eating habits to other people. Some people are just standing up for what they believe in, which is a good thing, but I don't think the aggressive "militant" stance is very helpful. Other people just want to point out how different they are and get attention.

Comment Re:Damn academics (Score 1) 376

Well, the Jains of India don't use animal products. Heck, I think they even avoid root vegetables because they want fewer insects harmed.
I've been mostly* a vegan for about 8 years - and I'm not remotely careful with balancing my diet. I'm not saying that's a good thing - maybe it's just lucky I haven't developed rickets or something, but my anecdotal evidence is just as good as yours.
I'm not going to argue that being vegan is the healthiest way to live, I don't think it is. It is interesting to note though that both Dr. Mcdougall and Dr. Ornish both encourage diets with reduced or eliminated animal content for the reduction and reversal of heart disease. I think veganism/vegetarianism is typically more a political choice based on moral or ethical values.

* I say mostly because I have had some eggs (less than a couple of dozen) from one of my wife's relatives who has chickens and I don't have a problem with honey, plus when I eat out I can't check the ingredients on everything so I don't worry to much about the possibility of eggs or dairy.

Comment Re:15 days is quickly? (Score 1) 212

15 days? Really? It's available on my DVR practically without commercials 10 minutes into the program, 20 for an hour episode.

Right, so don't use it for shows that you can save on your DVR. Use it for movies, or shows you don't have access too.
I have a basic cable package that is practically just a replacment for an antennae and no DVR. I'm used to waiting a year for the season box set of a tv show to come out so I can watch it in a few sittings. So 15 days (while slow), is certainly less than I'm willing to wait. Sure hulu offers stuff sooner, but it doesn't offer nearly the same selection as netflix.
Yeah, if you have access to the material quicker through a different venue - use it. For people like me, Netflix is pretty great.

Comment Re:As Lao-tzu said (Score 1) 212

You just said your internet connection is kind of marginal. Don't you think that is the problem? I can't use netflix on my computer because of running linux (and not wanting to find a crazy workaround) but it seems to work find on my wife's old slow laptop and it runs great on our tv while streaming through the Wii.

Comment Re:As Lao-tzu said (Score 1) 212

Well, a download would still be better quality, but I agree with you. Netflix streaming is extremely consistent and rarely buffers in the middle of a showing. In fact, they routinely send me emails asking about the quality - so not only is the service already excellent, but they seem to actually care about keeping it at an acceptable level.

Comment Re:Quality, not quantity (Score 1) 554

I'm pretty sure two hours is way lower than actual. From what I can find it was often 5 hours per day for hunter/gatherers (and maybe less than 1) but has gone up from there. You're right about the US being overworked - at least compared to European countries. I certainly wish I had more vacation time, and fewer hours worked per week. Three months! That would be fantastic.

Submission + - NASA's stuck Mars rover spots water (

coondoggie writes: The fact that NASA's Mars Rover Spirit has been stuck in the same spot for over a year and stands a good chance of never being heard from again in the future hasn't stopped it from discovering evidence that water apparently was at some point right under its wheels.
The Internet

Europe Proposes International Internet Treaty 116

Stoobalou writes "Europe has proposed an Internet Treaty to protect the Internet from the political interference which threatens to break it up. The draft international law has been compared to the 1967 Outer Space Treaty, which sought to prevent space exploration being pursued for anything less than the benefit of all human kind. The Internet Treaty would similarly seek to preserve the Internet as a global system of free communication that transcends national borders."

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