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Comment The Details (Score 5, Insightful) 32

See if you look at what they're doing, they're not actually trying to stem the flow of their "IP".

If their IP was valuable, or if they had a reasonable case, they'd take it to redhat, etc...

I mean if I invented something and someone big was selling the same thing.... and I had a case for it.... Why would I go after small potatoes Users rather than the big guy with $1billion dollars?

Unless my goal is to just extract small payments out of everyone because I know that I don't have a real case. Just be enough of a nuissance that people pay me to go away rather than fix the problem. I have no interest in fixing the problem, that doesn't benefit my wallet. Especially if the problem is trivial.

Where's the IBM suit? Oracle? Redhat? no, they could change things so that I wouldn't get my paychecks.

Why not at least tell people what's infringing so that I can be honest? Patents aren't secret anyways, so any patent I have is already public, but how I'm using them isn't. NDA's all around so that nobody ever knows and can't file a class-action for my security payments..

Pay me or I'll smash up your small bar.

Comment Re:Good luck... (Score 2, Interesting) 880

as a long-time ATI fan....

the ATI drivers DO suck. They don't upgrade nicely, often break their own config......which sucks..

but I can deal with that...... no problem....

However killing support of a card when it's 1yr old I can't do. I'm sorry, Fuck you ATI. Give me Driver support for 3 years MINIMUM

Comment Re:Why (Score 0) 325

Isn't that exactly what happened to the War on Drugs? And yet we still waste MILLIONS on it? I'm not saying it's right or wrong, just that you can't stop it, you can barely make a dent in it and yet we throw HUGE resources at it, catch the occasional big-wig and ruin a lot of you people's lives over minumum sentences believeing that it will be a deterrent. It's not a deterrent, it won't work, and everyone knows it. 20 years on and we still haven't listened to the suggestions from professionals in the fields. How is this any different?

Comment Re:Support for deleting a logical drive? (Score 0) 88

I run several compaq proliants, I've seen some dud cards, but overall you're absolutely right... Adaptec SCSI cards are great, raid cards suck balls, Megaraid...more on those balls.... Promise? well.... they're okayish.... Seriously folks, 10K rpm drives, reliable as crap and that whole rebuilding the array thing? yeah they do it on the fly, infact I can have a priority system for the rebuilding AND I can expand the array ON THE FLY from Windoze or Linux... Pretty sweet titties.

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