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Comment satellite gaming (Score 1) 131

Satellite is completely unacceptable for any real net junkie, especially gamers. The ping is even higher than with dial-up. Man, I played FPS games over dial-up for a few years-- it's not so terrible as all that if you've got a good phone line. And of course, if you're out in the boonies you probably don't have a great phone line. My tip is this: get yourself a nice desktop replacement laptop like a Macbook Pro or some such, and mooch off some free hotspot in town. You'll spend about the same, and have a kickass lappy in the bargain. Might help you to prioritize some things differently. Find some roommates and get an apartment. Unless your parents are letting you stay for free, it's the way to go, even if you wind up spending three times as much on rent. I had a guy come in to my work yesterday straight out of A Confederacy of Dunces, a huge fat man nearly in his 40s and living with his elderly mother, trying to return the guitar amp he'd bought because he couldn't get a good sound out of it with his inexperienced hands. Man, move out of your parents' house! Don't be that guy. Noone really cares (except any potential girlfriend) if you're living with your parents when you're 25, but something happens when you turn 30 and you won't have much in the way of friends or life. Suicide might become your only option. Get out there, get a job, make some money. If you can't get a job consider the idea that perhaps there's some aspect of your personality or attitude that is poorly suited to the hard realities of the working world, and endeavor to change those aspects. It's not that hard once you get started. I spent the last 7 years of my life not working (fortunately I did not have to live with my parents) and surfing the internet 10-16 hours a day, and I gotta tell you-- it's not that hard to work and make money and live on your own. It might not be the comforts you're adjusted to, but it's totally reasonable, and socially rewarding. Speaking of which I gotta go to work to pay for my rent. Yes, it is a worthy tradeoff, and it does make your life more enjoyable to make it. Quit making excuses for yourself and go do it. The video games will still be there after work.

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