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Book Reviews

End-to-End Network Security 99

Ben Rothke writes "One of the mistakes many organizations make when it comes to information security is thinking that the firewall will do it all. Management often replies incredulously to a hacking incident with the thought "but don't we have a firewall". Organizations need to realize a single appliance alone won't protect their enterprise, irrespective of what the makers of such appliances suggest and promise. A true strategy of security defense in depth is required to ensure a comprehensive level of security is implemented. Defense in depth uses multiple computer security technologies to keep organizations risks in check. One example of defense in depth is having an anti-virus and anti-spyware solution both at the user's desktop, and also at the gateway." Read on for the rest of Ben's review.

Submission + - Google Mail Storage Limits Revealed

frik85 writes: The Google Mail website javascript code reveals the GMail storage limits for the next 1449 years. The data is stored in an array as unix timestamp and the code related comment at line 95 reads: "Estimates of nanite storage generation over time."

2007-04-01: 2835 MB
2007-10-12: 2912 MB
2007-10-23: 4321 MB
2008-01-04: 6283 MB
2038-01-17: 43008 MB
3456-01-02: 1.79769313486232e+308 MB
Operating Systems

Submission + - ReactOS - The Desktop Operating System Revolution (reactos.org) 1

frik85 writes: "With yesterdays release, ReactOS got nearly 100% binary and API compatible with Win2003 (NT 5.2). And they are aiming for full Vista (NT 6) compatibility.
The ReactOS Win32 subsystem is in the beginning of a total overhaul to make it completely compatible with NT5 and it has had a positive impact on stability and compatibility with Win32 applications. As a generic result of these internal changes, the system feels a lot more stable in comparison to previous releases. ReactOS ships with a bunch of open source default drivers for various hardware devices and of course support for third party NT 5 drivers.
A download utility (unofficially called "ReactOS Package Manager") now contains a set of applications (opensource and shareware apps) which you can install right away in ReactOS with one click of a mouse. And those apps will actually work!
Fresh ReactOS screenshots say more than written words!"

Operating Systems

Submission + - ReactOS 0.3.3 released (reactos.org)

frik85 writes: "ReactOS Kernel development came to a point where most of the base modules are largely compatible with NT5, and with these now working well, the kernel as a whole is now starting to expose compatibility bugs in other parts of the OS which is where the focus of development has moved to.
The ReactOS Win32 subsystem is in the beginning of a total overhaul to make it completely compatible with NT5 which may introduce various drops in application compatibility from time to time, however in the ReactOS 0.3.3 release it has had a positive impact on stability and compatibility with Win32 applications. As a generic result of these internal changes, the system feels a lot more stable in comparison to previous releases, and could be run on a real hardware (though usual limitations still apply — no USB, no SATA, no NTFS support)."


Introducing the Slashdot Firehose 320

Logged in users have noticed for some time the request to drink from the Slashdot Firehose. Well now we're ready to start having everybody test it out. It's partially a collaborative news system, partially a redesigned & dynamic next-generation Slashdot index. It's got a lot of really cool features, and a lot of equally annoying new problems for us to find and fix for the next few weeks. I've attached a rough draft of the FAQ to the end of this article. A quick read of it will probably answer most questions from how it works, what all the color codes mean, to what we intend to do with it.

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