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Comment Re:Silverlight at 60? (Score 2, Informative) 379

You already posted this further up as AC and I'm tired of your bullshit stats..

I don't think they are his stats.

Wow what a good sample of the web. 132 sites..

Um, considering they are measuring the browser features coming TO the website and not the website itself, it probably isn't a bad sample at all. But keeping grinding away on that axe. It might take you places.

Comment Re:Irrational Market Behavior (Score 1) 254

I'm not sure if that's quite the case - the economic ideology of the free market and the economic ideology of centralized control are *both* confounded by irrational humans.

Exactly so. Irrationality can be a valuable competitive trait in a stratified social climbing framework where for one primate to succeed, another has to fail. There is a constant arms race over information and intellect between individuals, generations, and groups. If a person or group behaves in a perfectly rational way (re: perfectly predictable), then it becomes easy to counter that person or group, especially if you are smarter, have better information, or greater resources to bring to bear. Irrationality is a strategy of nullifying these advantages because it means that no matter how you think I might react, and whatever surprises you have lie in store for me, I might confound your predictions and react in a completely irrational and therefore unplanned-for-by-you fashion. As a contrived example, it's how otherwise incompetent leaders can sometimes stay in power, by arbitrarily executing or rewarding people for spurious reasons, raising one group up with favors, and bringing another group down when they become too successful, but with no discernible pattern to either.

Comment Re:Irrational Market Behavior (Score 1) 254

I would argue that the intellectual basis of neo-conservative economics comes mainly from the "Rational Market Hypothesis", and is thus largely based on the assumption of rationality.

Pretty much all non-marxist economics, not just "neo-conservative economics" (whatever that is...which school exactly does that fall into, the Austria, Chicago, Keynesian?), follow the rational market hypothesis. Central control advocates (and marxists are among them) argue that they can "one-up" the market by having so-called experts dictate how much of what gets produced where and what the prices should be. They tend to have equally incomprehensible (and even more unworkable) models than the free-market economists do, and tend to get sidetracked by social justice issues along the way.

Comment Re:Well it is an alternate form of bumping (Score 1) 624

Ayers was almost certainly complicit in at least one murder.

He also founded the Weather Underground, which, aside from being a left wing terrorist organization, actually did murder people.

The modern radical left is a direct descendant from groups like the WU. Groups like ANSWER, for example. Hell, Obama had his "coming out" party in Ayer's house for Christ's sake. So, maybe "most of you on the left" don't give Ayers any thought, but clearly Obama did. Ayers wouldn't be such a boogieman on the right if he didn't espouse an ideology inimical to the values of most Americans and didn't have such a strong connection to the people currently in power. But he does.

Comment Re:The sad part? (Score 1) 578

Except the names of those sources that are surly now on someone's "death list". In fact, nothing at all other than the possibility of these sources being murdered has come of the "leak" at all.

Yeah, and since they are foreigners, it's not like they are real people, right?

The ironic thing is that this has the potential to result in more civilians getting killed than the civilians the leaker and wikileaks were ostensibly protecting by airing the US military's dirty laundry.

Comment Re:Well it is an alternate form of bumping (Score 1) 624

I didn't feel those people were a threat -- woefully ignorant, yes, untrained in critical thinking, certainly, and in some cases racist; but I would never want them to be silenced by force.

That's because you are still going through the "ridicule stage", ie:

"First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win."

Ayers []: "We did carry out symbolic acts of extreme vandalism directed at monuments to war and racism, and the attacks on property, never on people, were meant to respect human life and convey outrage and determination to end the Vietnam war."

Sure. Except for:

Park Place Police Station bombing, February 1970
Main article: San Francisco Police Department Park Station bombing

On February 16, 1970 a nail bomb placed on a window ledge of the Park Police substation in the Upper Haight neighborhood of San Francisco exploded at 10:45 p.m. The blast killed police Sergeant Brian McDonnell. Law enforcement suspected the Weather Underground but was unable to prove conclusively that the organization was involved.[62] A second officer, Robert Fogarty was partially blinded by the bomb’s shrapnel.

Greenwich Village townhouse explosion, March 1970
Main article: Greenwich Village townhouse explosion

On March 6, 1970, during preparations for the bombing of a Non-Commissioned Officers’ (NCO) dance at the Fort Dix U.S. Army base and for Butler Library at Columbia University,[2] there was an explosion in a Greenwich Village safe house when the nail bomb being constructed prematurely detonated for unknown reasons. WUO members Diana Oughton, Ted Gold, and Terry Robbins died in the explosion. Cathy Wilkerson and Kathy Boudin escaped unharmed. It was an accident of history that the site of the Village explosion was the former residence of Merrill Lynch brokerage firm founder Charles Merrill and his son, the poet James Merrill. The younger Merrill subsequently recorded the event in his poem 18 West 11th Street, the title being the address of the house. An FBI report later stated that the group had possessed enough explosive to "level ... both sides of the street".[72]

The bomb preparations have been pointed out by critics of the claim that the Weatherman group did not try to take lives with its bombings. Harvey Klehr, the Andrew W. Mellon professor of politics and history at Emory University in Atlanta, said in 2003, "The only reason they were not guilty of mass murder is mere incompetence. I don't know what sort of defense that is."[2]

Brinks robbery (1981)

Certain members remained underground, joined splinter radical groups, and formed alliances with other radical groups. Some authors argue that years after the dissolution of the WUO, former members Kathy Boudin, Judith Alice Clark, and David Gilbert formed the May 19 Communist Organization. Other authors and the US government state that WUO formed an alliance with the Black Liberation Army and called this alliance the May 19 Communist Organization. On October 20, 1981 in Nanuet, New York, the group robbed a Brinks armored truck containing $1.6 million. The robbery was violent, resulting in the murders of two police officers and a security guard.[15] Boudin, Clark, and Gilbert were found guilty and sentenced to lengthy terms in prison. A number of media reports listed them as active Weatherman Underground members[112] considered the “last gasps” of the Weather Underground.[113] The documentary The Weather Underground described the Brinks Robbery as the "unofficial end" of the Weather Underground.[114]

* * *

As said, the only reason why Ayers & company didn't go down as mass murderers was because of their incompetence, not their intent. Ayers is whitewashing his own history.

Comment Re:please stop idolizing McVeigh (Score 1) 624

Sean Hannity Calls Tea Party "Tim McVeigh Wannabe's", crowd applauds [].

Why does the right idolize McVeigh and cherish his legacy?

Are you really that stupid that you can't detect mocking sarcasm when it's right in front of your face and on video? Hannity was making fun of the people like Pelosi that referred to the Tea Party movement as Nazis racists and the like. The crowd was applauding him giving credit to the Tea Party movement for holding up the disastrous Health Care "Reform" bill as long as they did. If you're this fucking stupid, no wonder you voted for Obama.

The right doesn't and never has idolized McVeigh...but then again you know that. The only person of note that tried to rehabilitate McVeigh's image was Gore Vidal, and he's a creature of the left, not the right.

Comment Re:Well it is an alternate form of bumping (Score 0, Troll) 624

Dissent is only a threat if it comes from the right. If it comes to the left, it's the highest expression of patriotism. That's why people like William Ayers are iconic on the left, who, at the end of the day, isn't all that different than Timothy McVeigh...except that William Ayers had richer and politically connected parents, and was a Marxist, so even today fellow Marxists go to bat for him and his "legacy". It helps to have a good friend as the President (of the country and political system he was trying to overthrow) as well.

Comment Re:eh (Score 1) 618

So rather than throw their hands up and say that it couldn't be passed, they bargained, they gave things up, they compromised.

That's an awfully long winded way of saying they bribed several wavering Senators.

Discussion and compromise are not necessarily signs of perfect authortarian Marxism.

That wasn't exactly what I claimed. What I claimed is that this idea of inter-party Democrat dissent vs the monolithic Republican party is largely a myth, and the reality is closer to the opposite.

The interesting thing about the Democrat ability to wrangle votes is that a lot of Democrats that were elected in 2006 and 2008 ran to the right of their Republican opponents, and won in traditionally Republican districts. These were ostensibly conservative Democrats that were tired of the Republican corruption of the previous years and wanted a return to fiscal responsibility. Har, har, har. But the voters still fell for it, and now we $1.4 trillion deficits are the new normal.

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