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Comment Re:Doesn't matter if it starts out bad (Score 1) 474

Er, not quite. Algorithms are the base theory of computer languages. Algorithms are more like English sentence structure. More like English grammar. So the Knuth of English grammar might be Quirk et all's "A Grammar Of Contemporary English". All 1132 pages of gerunds, infinitives, the order of adjectives, etc. Your English teacher's idea of heaven is within its covers.

The author's description from long ago. Now in PDF form.

Linguistic schools like it.



Comment Re:They can't learn (Score 1) 474

My original post said generally that students certainly do not start with the WHOLE KNUTH (or the others).
But K-12 students start with an abstract of basic concepts from these books.

And a limited core abstract of concepts at that, unabridged Knuth and Tanenbaum offer hairy concepts to get one's mind around.

All I want for Christmas 08 & 09 is a Knuth+Stroustrup+Tanenbaum mind,

Comment Re:Doesn't matter if it starts out bad (Score 4, Insightful) 474

Darn right it will start, continue, and end badly if done via a programming approach. True CS is not language programming but how to develop algorithms.

So three authors should be key here. Not the whole ball of wax but an abstraction of what these authors present.
Donald Knuth and his books, "The Art of Computer Programming" (3 volumes).
Andrew S. Tanenbaum; "Computer Organization".
John L. Hennesey and David L. Patterson; "Computer Architecture".

Good luck,

Comment In the land of Texas (Score 2, Insightful) 198

If that mosquito with its DNA and that miscreant were here in TX, this person would never get indicted for car theft. Here if they find fingerprints its probably much like the mosquito DNA. Those only mean the person was IN the car. The DA will happily file "possession" of a stolen vehicle. Its rarely "theft" because its difficult to prove someone stole the car.

So "possession" is really what we should be discussing here. That's way down on the proof scale.

The only regular automobile thefts that are indicted here are those bait cars that the police leave parked here and there. They have video and remote turn off.


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