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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 1 declined, 1 accepted (2 total, 50.00% accepted)

Internet Explorer

Submission + - Microsoft Launches new 'Get the facts' campaign ( 5

ko9 writes: Microsoft has launched their "Get the facts" campaign, in an attempt to promote Internet Explorer 8. It contains a chart that compares IE8 to Firefox and Chrome. Needless to say, IE8 comes out as the clear winner, with MS suggesting it is the only browser to provide features like 'privacy', 'security', 'reliability'. It even claims to have Firefox beat in 'customizability'. Almost all of these are at the very least stretching the truth, and more likely blatant lies. To people like me, this page would destroy a lot of the credibility MS might have had with me. I'm wondering if the average joe will question these facts though, or will he just blindly accept them as facts, because a big company like Microsoft would not lie this openly?

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