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Submission + - Europe's Plan to Track Phone and Net Use

An anonymous reader writes: http://www.nytimes.com/2007/02/20/business/worldbu siness/20privacy.html February 20, 2007 Europe's Plan to Track Phone and Net Use PARIS, Feb. 19 — European governments are preparing legislation to require companies to keep detailed data about people's Internet and phone use that goes beyond what the countries will be required to do under a European Union directive. In Germany, a proposal from the Ministry of Justice would essentially prohibit using false information to create an e-mail account, making the standard Internet practice of creating accounts with pseudonyms illegal.

Submission + - Australia banning light bulbs by 2010?

Pascal7z writes: Thomas Edison's 125 years invention will be banned in Australia. (here is the : http://www.geelongadvertiser.com.au/article/2007/0 2/20/1537_news.html)
In order to reduce power consumption, the australian environment minister recommend to switch from the classical light bulb to power saving fluorescent bulb.
In the epoch of power hungry appliance, this is a first step to reduce our energy consumption, and indirectly the global warming.
When will other nations follow? What will other governments do?

Submission + - E-Bay's Sign-in system can assist phishers

Pedahzur writes: "A phishing e-mail I got the other day highlighted scary new phishing technique: using E-Bay's own sign-in server to assist in the phishing. It seems the login screen will redirect to any URL after the sign in procedure. I contacted E-Bay, but received only the boiler plate reply. More details at this blog post."

Submission + - Ubuntu losing server credibility?

kripkenstein writes: "A seemingly minor change in Ubuntu Edgy — making /bin/sh point to dash instead of bash — has caused a lot of breakage. Ubuntu stand by their decision to use the faster dash, which complies with standards but not with existing practice. However, as can be seen by the numerous comments on the bug report, many opportunities for Ubuntu to be deployed in server settings appear to have been lost. For example, one comment states

I have already moved away from [Ubuntu], stopped deploying it on server systems. I am glad this [happened] before i started using it on production servers here at work.
Ubuntu is a popular desktop OS among Linux users, but is the decision to use dash costing it its credibility in the server arena?"

Possible Cure For Autism 431

Henry V .009 writes "Scientists in New Jersey are claiming that children with autism are unable to metabolize key fatty acids that fight brain-damaging inflammations. They have already developed urine/blood tests to identify at-risk children. A preventive cure to autism may be as simple as a 'therapeutic cocktail' of fatty acids. Human trials could start later this year."

Regrowing Lost Body Parts Getting Closer All the Time 210

[TheBORG] writes "There are two stories on Yahoo! News about regrowing lost body parts. One is about regrowing lost fingers & limbs and the other one is about regrowing teeth. The story about regrowing lost fingers and limbs talks about the experimental use of powdered pig bladder to regrow fingers and eventually lost limbs for soldiers and others in need from information that Pentagon-funded scientists hopefully learn from studying the salamander. The story about regrowing teeth talks about how Japanese scientists used primitive cells and injected them into a framework of collagen. Once grown to a certain point, scientists implanted the growths into mice where the teeth developed normally."
The Courts

Couple Who Catch Cop Speeding Could Face Charges 876

a_nonamiss writes "A Georgia couple, apparently tired of people speeding past their house, installed a camera and radar gun on their property. After it was installed, they caught a police office going 17MPH over the posted limit. They brought this to the attention of the local police department, and are now being forced to appear in front of a judge to answer to charges of stalking."

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