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Comment Re:Then Safari should have the same warning! (Score 2) 315

There's an option in the parental controls to disable/password-protect Safari/Youtube etc altogether. With Opera/Atomic/iCab/etc you get a single dialog that you snicker at while tapping "ok," after which there's no restrictions. So in that sense, Apple locks their own apps down tighter than Opera.

This is a pretty silly story.

Comment Re:Free books? (Score 1) 232

No, it doesn't. Nor does Stanza support Kindle books. Easy fix: have two apps.

At any rate, it's decent enough for a first release, but a better way of buying on the fly than Mobile Safari would be nice. I'd also like an interface closer to Stanza's, with touch-to-scroll (instead of swiping), a sans-serif font and a white-on-black display option for night reading. I'd imagine these will probably make it in over time.

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