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Comment 2 or 3 vs 30 million (Score 2) 786

Occam answer? Putting TWO men on the moon is easier than insuring 30 MILLION people. Also maybe it would have been better if government actually had done the work. Instead in our mania to privatize EVERYTHING we privatized it out to a Canadian firm. Maybe if we had used our best computer and health people (as we used our best scientists and engineers for Apollo) it would have been better. Besides we need to look at the long view, not the 30 seconds of fame. A lot of people have died in the space program.

Comment Just do it. (Score 1) 656

I have a BS comp sci degree. I had to take 2 semesters of calc (differentiation and integration) as well as combinatorics, finite math, operating systems and yes ENGLISH, LOGIC, Art History. A 4 year degree isn't just a trade school degree. A lot of theoretical stuff that was very helpful in figuring stuff, making it easier to learn new ideas at jobs as well as making me a less boring person to work with. That piece of paper shows an employer that you are able to dedicate yourself to a long term task.

Comment Gates never did get it (Score 1) 618

He was the master of leveraging monopolies and pushing crappy products on dimwitted comptuer users but he's never had a clue as to what people wanted and creative enough to put out great products. Check your history. Gates thought the internet was a passing fad. It was only thru his crappy windows that he embedded into Win* it forced people to use it. Anyone in their right mind now switches to Chrome or other better alternatives.

Comment Seamless ease of use (Score 1) 587

Its not all about "features", bells and whistles which windows has always had tons of that crap. Its about ease of use, the gadget working with you, not against you. Facetime is a case in point. It is so simple (no setup required) to Star Trek call ones friends. When an Android users asks me to show them how to do the same I have to search for apps, learn their features...and then something like Skype is mentioned that requires setup and login, blah blah blah. It was the same on the Mac. I could just video chat with my 80 year old mom. I didn't have to ask her to download an app and set it up (like would ever happen). Unfortuantely most non apple users have no idea.

Comment Scientific methodologies (Score 1) 866

Perhaps if most of the yahoo climate change deniers out there had passed chemistry they would actually believe in what scientists say and not that scientist-brain surgeon (see Terri Schiavo) expert Sean Hannity. High Schools in general (yes there is BOCES) are not trade schools. We have enough boring, one dimensional people.

Comment Zune you say? (Score 1) 575

Reality check. Gates was brilliant (was, even before retiring what great ideas did he have?), able to reverse engineer and OS then hire enough lawyers so he could get rich off of Xerox and Apple's ideas. However he as been so so wrong about so many thing. Do some fact checking. Zune would seem obvious but he was way down on the internet, how much "wronger" can one be. If not for his anittrust actions forcing people to use IE MS would never have caught up. Fortunately for him he has so so much money he could overcome incredibly bad business choices. He's been pretty much idealess in his career, ripping off ideas of others then quashing them thru lawyers. What I always disliked the most about MS products is the arm twisting they do to force you to use them rather than entice people to use your product on account of its worth. Personally I'd choose an ipad with a dock so if I needed input I could. I don't see a room full of students clacking away on min laptops. In the future everything will powerpointed, already annotated so students won't have to be typing away. Shortsighted article.

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