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Comment Re:It has a combined address/search bar (Score 1) 688

The search bar is there for a simple reason. It's to allow a place to do searches with search autosuggest without sending every single URL you type to the search provider.

Chrome adopts the "send all the URLs the user types to the search provider" approach by default, unsurprisingly.

Of course if you don't care about the search autosuggest feature, you can just customize away the search bar.

Comment Re:On the other side, a bit looming problem (Score 1) 1116

Three board members didn't quit over Brendan's presence as CEO. But the Wall Street Journal _did_ make up a story to that effect, which has gotten widely quoted, and refused to retract it when it was pointed out it was false.

https://blog.mozilla.org/blog/... has a Q&A on the issue, but basically two of the board members had wanted to move on to other things for a while but stuck it out until the end of the CEO search (because that was the board's primary job at the time). They left the board as soon as a CEO was chosen, a week or two before the choice was even announced.

The third board member who left did leave because he did not think Brendan would make a good CEO, but for reasons that have nothing to do with the Prop 8 mess.

Comment Re:The Re-Hate Campaign (Score 1) 1116

Just for context, a number of Mozilla employees spoke up in support of Brendan during the goings on (twitter, blogs, etc).

Further, he explicitly asked people to keep working on the Mozilla mission, even without him. Keep in mind that Mozilla is not just a company; most people who are there aren't there just for the paycheck...

Now obviously they (we?) could have gone ahead and just imploded the Mozilla project over this issue by leaving. Would that have made Brendan feel better? I sort of doubt that.

Comment Mozilla is not a public company (Score 1) 564

Mozilla is not a public company. It is a 501C3 tax exempt non profit and its wholly owned taxable subsidiary. Our stockholders are the people of the world. Our decisions are based on maximizing the value of the Internet for the benefit of everyone everywhere, especially those who lack representation from the giant institutional multinational publicly traded corporations like Google, Apple, Facebook, and Microsoft.

Comment Re:I dont get it (Score 2) 551

There is a difference between "self determination" and "referendum performed under armed guard, with no international election observers allowed into the country", but it's a subtle one, I grant. That said, it's the sort of difference that can give you a 95% "Join Russia" vote, with 80% turnout (76% of total voters, if you do the math) in a region where at most 60% of the population is ethnic Russian and at least 10% (the Tatars) are _extremely_ unlikely to have vote for union with Russia.

If you think those referendum results are fair and represent self-determination, I have a bridge I'd like to sell you.

Comment We're fixing this (Score 4, Informative) 333

Firefox OS is trying to fix much of this.
The Web is the most successful platform of all time and we're leading the pack on bringing a the Web platform to mobile in a way that's integrated rather than fractured like the existing app store models.

Comment Re:How about a generic scripting engine? (Score 1) 505

For what it's worth, "millions of dollars" is a pretty low bar. A million dollars in the US will get you _maybe_ 5 person-years worth of work from anyone at all competent (using the normal rule of thumb that an employees cost to the employer is about 2x salary once you take into account benefits, employer taxes, equipment, office space, etc).

So 10 million dollars will get you a 10 years worth of work from 5 developers. As an example, the PyPy project is 10 years old....

For JS, between the various browser vendors, the right number is probably closer to 300-500 person-years (see https://news.ycombinator.com/i... for an attempted breakdown). Figure $100 million as a low estimate. Chances are, the people involved are being paid more than $100k a year, so adjust the estimate up accordingly...

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