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Elderly To Get Satellite Navigation To Find Their Way Around Supermarkets 80

Three government centers in the UK have been working on a way to use digital technology to help the elderly and the disabled. One of their ideas is a supermarket satellite navigation system to help elderly people who get confused by changing layouts in the aisles. Professor Paul Watson, of Newcastle University, said: "Many older people lack the confidence to maintain 'normal' walking habits. This is often due to worries about getting lost in unfamiliar, new or changing environments." A kitchen for Alzheimer's patients packed with hidden sensors and projectors is also in the works.

Comment Re:Goodness gracious me (Score 1) 570

In Texas at least, and I think California, if you go into smaller general shops or gas station mini marts you can find 330mL glass bottles of Coca Cola made with cane sugar. The cheapest I've seen it is $.95/bottle. It tastes awesome. If you have a choice, get the stuff that is bottled in Monterrey; it says where it is bottled on the side of the cap. The stuff bottled in Tijuana is horrible and watered-down shit.

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