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Comment Santa Fe Institute (Score 0, Offtopic) 227

It's Santa Fe, not "Sante" Fe! Here in Santa Fe, we mock idiots who can't type properly, but that commonplace error is beyond my understanding... The letters "a" and "e" aren't even next to each other on a qwerty keyboard, so I can't figure out why that error occurs at least one out of 20 times when someone types "Santa Fe". I must see it once a day... credit card receipts from the ultra-crappy Best Buy here have stated "Sante Fe" since they opened -- eight years ago!

Comment 'Secret' URL here! (Score 0) 356 [currently down, or only accessible from certain IPs]

I work at Best Buy. My first day, I asked my supervisor (when I accessed what I thought was from our restricted terminals in-store) why the URL read "" - she said, "Gosh, I don't know. I never noticed that."

Sometimes, the prices are higher; sometimes lower. It's never been explained to me, but I think the axiom "It's much easier to ascribe to evil that which is better explained by ignorance" applies here. C'mon guys, Best Buy was voted one of the top 100 corporate citizens in the U.S.

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