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Comment Re:Wrong (Score 1) 861

Funny thing about Category F. I just got married about a month ago, and it would cost over $500 a month to put my husband on my crappy pay-nothing high-deductible insurance, just in case he fell out of a window and survived. Neither of us are engineers or programmers. That $500 is a lot of money for us, and we just can't justify it. Our hope is to find one at a competitive rate in 2014. Until then, I'm keeping the windows locked and won't let him in the kitchen with all the knives and heat sources.

Comment Re:More content (Score 4, Informative) 323

That's weird. When I look at my account:
Star Gate Atlantis - Yes
Airplane! - Yes
Doctor Who - All the new Who that has been release on DVD except Season 6 which was released two days ago in Region 2 only
Star Trek Series - I see original, TNG, Voyager, DS9, Enterprise, the Animated Series.
Die Hard - Yes
Family Guy - Yes
Futurama - Yes
Grey's Anatomy - Yes

Are you a troll?

Comment Played it the last few days (Score 1) 138

It's a good game, but was over-hyped. A lot like most games in a series, I supposed. But, hey, my save file hasn't yet corrupted itself and there aren't weird glitches making people spin for no reason, so I'm happy. It's harder than previous Zelda games, which I am starting to appreciate, and I'm getting the hang of having to actually fight the monsters instead of just hitting a button over and over again. I agree, though, that it's not as pretty as I had hoped, and I say that compared to just other Wii games. It's more a stylistic thing than a pixels thing, for me. I preferred Wind Waker's visuals.

Comment Re:Needs new leadership (Score 1) 325

People were pissed enough when they heard that they'd have to go to two separate sites (Netflix and Kwikster) to get streaming versus mail delivery DVDs. I imagine there will be the same sort of reaction when we're told that if we want Sony movies, we go to Site A and pay $5.99 a month, and if we want Warner Brothers, we go to Site B and pay $5,49 a month, and if we want Disney we go to Site C and pay $7.99 a month. If that's the way things go in the future, I think a lot of people will go back to opting for Site D, also known as The Pirate Bay.

Comment Oh joy (Score 1) 244

If I remember correctly, the experience isn't that grand. All I remember from my below-level 20 characters is running around trying to get the materials I needed for my skills (herbs and ores) but there always being high-level characters with epic mounts grinding for copper and iron to sell in the auction hall, standing in line for quest-related spawns, and the unexplained fact that while only one in twenty murlocks have an eyeball, they're fairly effective warriors.

Comment Re:Structured data makes this easier (Score 1) 254

IIRC, ICD-9 will start with 'E' or 'V', else it's ICD-10

Actually, I think E and V are different types of codes. Diseases, injuries and procedures are just numbers. E codes show injuries that were caused by external forces. I can't remember V off the top of my head; I think they're types of office visits.

Comment Re:Played it. (Score 1) 188

I, for one, generally enjoy GTA games but have zero interest in Duke Nukem, South Park or Beavis and Butthead. GTA isn't my favorite game, but it doesn't make me run from the room like Beavis or that talking poop would. Not liking crude humor doesn't mean a person fears controversy.

Just my opinion; not trying to tell others what to think. By all means, play whatever you want to.

Comment Re:Call me Crazy... (Score 0) 354

I saw on the BBC live feed that one of the reporters heard from the Pentagon that there are pictures, but they are generally considered too bloody to be released to the general public. I'm sure they will be all over the place in a few days; hopefully behind a warning on the more reputable websites. When I think about the violent hatred that permeates this country, let alone those who joined the military in the hopes of being the one to shoot Osama, I'm not surprised that American soldiers would hand over remains that would require a DNA test to be recognizable.

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Beware of all enterprises that require new clothes, and not rather a new wearer of clothes. -- Henry David Thoreau
