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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 4 declined, 0 accepted (4 total, 0.00% accepted)


Submission + - Google sells out of Nexus 4 again (google.com)

rabenja writes: I had decided to replace my phone (Galaxy S Vibrant) with the Nexus 4. The first batch sold out in no time and I received an email that I just saw at 1:20 pm PST that the Nexus 4 would be available again for sale at 12:00 pm PST. I clicked the link provided and saw that it was already sold out again...

Submission + - Apple store refuses to sell product to US citizen (huffingtonpost.com)

rabenja writes:

A 19-year-old woman in Alpharetta, Ga., claims that her local Apple store refused to sell her anything after she was heard speaking Farsi with her uncle while she was trying to buy an iPhone and iPad.

...how a citizen who speaks Arabic (Al Qaeda), or Spanish (Cuba) or Korean (North Korea) etc.


Submission + - GPS Toddler Tracker (barnkollen.se)

rabenja writes:

Barnkollen is an extra aid for thouse repsonsible for groups of children, outdoor childcare, preeschool trips or groups with extra curiouse or teasing kids. “After all the known incidents with children that have come away from their grops, shouldnt we do something?” We all who are behind Barnkollen have small children and thought about this, and combined with our teqnichal skills, Barnkollen was created, as extra aid for leaders, parents and of course – our kids!

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