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Comment Re:The internet says "Prince is over" (Score 1) 450

I completely agree. Compare Prince with artists like Ted Nugent. He is almost always touring. He has a huge presence on the internet with his web sites and forums. This past weekend he had Amazon sell a special album for 76 cents. You may disagree with him politically, but he is a very savvy businessman and musician.

Comment Re:Why? (Score 1) 1123

Judges, juries and legislatures support the police overwhelmingly on this issue

Honestly, why? What possible legitimate reason do the police have for wanting to keep things (at least things outside the station) off camera?

For the legislator's it's simple. If you vote against cops, it will be used against you by your opponents and the police associations/unions will tell their members to not vote for you. As for the rest, most people are more likely to trust the word of a police officer over others. Unless the officer's behavior on the stand is just awful, he is almost always given the benefit of being considered more trustworthy.

Comment Strange I Wasn't Charged Any Fees (Score 4, Informative) 406

I recently purchased an Acer laptop (hey, it was cheap and I'm just using it for surfing). Since I didn't choose overnight shipping, it was free. I may not get the DVD for a week or so. But, I'm not in a hurry either. I think this really depends on the shipping you choose and the manufacturer you buy from.

Comment The Reason They Don't Want Guns (Score 5, Informative) 830

Due to activities of privateers and pirates in the past, many nations have laws against armed merchant vessels being allowed in their harbors and/or waters. This is the reason the companies want devices that won't be considered weapons by these countries, Afterall, what good does it do to arm the vessel if it can't dock anywhere.

Comment Re:that's OK (Score 1) 358

This depends on the commander you have. Most commanders won't attempt to heavily enforce this regulation. However, there are commanders who will. They are what is commonly known as "micro-managers." They give their little subordinates little leeway, and often insist on making all decisions. Some of the micro-managers will give up because of the increased work load. However, some will just choose to blanket disapprove of all electronic communications.

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The last thing one knows in constructing a work is what to put first. -- Blaise Pascal
