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Comment Re:In other news, the Dutch warn about tulip mania (Score 1) 121

... the ability to seize bank accounts and the use of the threat of prison and even guns/bodily harm to get their money to pay its debts.

Slashdot is becoming such an interesting place. The level of ignorance and (perhaps deliberate) misunderstanding I see on a daily basis is difficult to put into words. How are we to have a conversation (to say nothing of debate) with a person who has such a poor understanding of the terms involved?

Comment Re:Android is not always Java (Score 1) 577

Yes, I have too - IntelliJ itself is written using Swing and it's quite appealing on all the platforms I've used it on. But I guess that they had to develop custom themes for it and be very careful to achieve that.

JFX8 looks great out of the box

Agree about the difficulty with Swing. Swing permits different look and feels to differ too much in essentials like ordering of operations, focus, and etc. It makes it very hard to adjust the styling of individual components and expect it to do anything reasonable in different look and feels.

JavaFX sounds really good, but I've not yet developed against it. Thanks for the link to SceneBuilder, I look forward to playing with it.

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