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Comment Re:Example (Score 2) 75

someone who is not familiar with words having different modes

The problem is, that if you don't know these basic constructs in your native language then you're not really fluent in it. You might think you can speak it fluently - but you're not well enough educated if you lack the basic rules.

Sadly this is very common: just look at all the internet content that confuses they're, their and there. Or mistakes "have" for "of" in written form.

Perhaps Duolingo should have a qualification test to screen out people who weren't paying attention at school (as all these topics are taught, in every english-speaking school) and it could sign them up for a remedial english class, instead.

Comment Cat and mouse (Score 1) 239

So the guy had an old article removed.
The journalist then writes a *new* article, commenting on the removal of the old article
The guy then requires the *new* article gets delisted, too. So the journalist ....

And so it continues until one party or the other gets bored, dies, or realises that all these article, this MOUNTAIN of articles are all still available (and increasing in number) on other search engines and that since new articles can be submitted faster than old ones taken down (and presumably the guy is paying a service to issue take-downs on his behalf) he's paying money and achieving the opposite of what was intended.

Comment Re:Ethical Responsibility (Score 1) 130

Facebook deliberately did it, to see the effects. Manipulating people is never ethically right.

And yet there are individuals who do exactly the same thing every day. I would suggest that there are also organisations that make a positive decision to post content to change the emotions of their readers: whether to make them happy (and possibly tie that happy feeling to the website's message - religious, political, cultural), or angry or apathetic.

Just like every advertisement we see is designed to manipulate our emotions, websites do it all the time for gain, so to have FB do the same is neither new nor unacceptable. It could even be argued that since they had nothing to gain (materially or financially) that their motivations were more benign that those sites or advertisements that manipulate our emotions for their own gain.

Comment Tells you more about the speakers than the texts (Score 1) 86

From the article:

the team paid native speakers to rate how they felt about each word on a scale ranging from the most negative or sad to the most positive or happy

So all the research was based on the native language speakers interpretation of how happy or sad the words were - and then their relative frequency in the texts. If the speakers of each language had a natural disposition to happiness or sadness, that would skew the whole result. And since there's no objective measure of a word's "happiness", the whole thing comes down to interpretation, rather than science.

Comment Two necessary requirements (Score 3, Insightful) 427

Firstly, like in an ordinary watch the battery life should be measured in years and it should require no other maintenance.
Second, people should be openly admiring of it - both as a technological marvel and as a timepiece.
If it could do anything else than keep good time, that would be nice but not necessary.

Personally, I consider the first of these needs to be the most achievable.

Comment Re:Hmmm (Score 2) 76

But the demographics of the downloaders varied with the amount offered. So, at the lowest level there were very few westerners who took the bait. As the reward increased, the proportion grew. If you were planning to use a similar process to grab some confidential or profitable data off the participant's machine, you should take into account the likelihood of poor vs. rich participants' computers having anything you would be looking for.

Comment It's a world-wide study. Not an american one. (Score 1) 76

Seriously, what kind of idiot would download an unknown executable on his main PC to earn a fucking dollar?

There are plenty of people for whom a dollar is a lot of money. Don't forget, thus was a world wide study - not one limited to your particular country. The paper states that along with running a program, there was a questionnaire (I wonder what languages it was available in, and also what languages the Mechanical Turk posting was wtitten in - surely that is a tremendous skew to the results?) and that 40% of the survey respondents were from India - where english is quite popular (more english speakers than any other country in the world).

So, since purchasing power of the $1 wasn't taken into account, the results are flawed, since the reward will vary so much depending on the wealth of the individuals taking part.

Comment Re:What's wrong with html and javascript? (Score 1) 466

javascript takes about 17 minutes to learn

Learning the syntax of a language is the smallest step towards actually using it. If you want to do more than write "Hello World\n" you need to learn an IDE, and all the relevant libraries. That is what takes the years of experience. Especially in these days where people assume (incorrectly) that IDEs are "intuitive". There's nothing worse than having to waste a day clicking around in a piece od code trying to find the one, obscure, little windowy attribute that the guy before you used to set a feature.

Since IDEs make documenting code and teaching the learning process virtually impossible: there's no printable version, which makes referencing it and publishing books on it a mess of pictures of windows and option buttons, while the language structure may be simple the IDE / library learning curve is very long-winded.

Comment Re:Commentator's Remorse (Score 4, Informative) 140

So basically, you knocked out that comment after reading the headline - but without bothering to read even the first line, which explained it. Let me help you out there:

anyone who bought a product online

So this clearly refers to ONLINE PURCHASES. Ones where you are depended on the seller's description and require that to be accurate: neither over-selling the product nor lying about its state, condition or fitness for purpose. In these cases the seller clearly has an advantage and this extension tot he law is meant to rebalance the trading positions.

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