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Comment Re:Not QUITE the stupidest metric I can think of.. (Score 1) 321

Well, that's why you don't have just one KPI. If the second KPI is customer satisfaction, one of two things happen:

1) You get 100's of complaints to your boss, getting you fired. Congrats, you win!
2) If the whole IT org does this, the CEO at ops staff gets complaints from every GM, resulting in a 20% budget cut of IT, specifically tech support. When IT looks at the worst offenders by complaints, you are one of the 20%. Congrats, you win!

Comment Re:OLPC? (Score 1) 468

Hmm... if I recall, a $200 used laptop and a local library card that gives you wifi access is a whole lot cheaper than what I used to pay in text books... text books that would be an "old" revision next year and completely unsellable. And by "old" i mean they changed the order of the questions at the end of the chapter to force everyone to buy the new textbook.

Comment Have we really accepted that? (Score 1) 160

Maybe I'm alone, but I own a Wii and a 360. The Wii is fun for 5 minutes and then gets very very boring. The Xbox has games that are fun for hours at a time.

So why does everyone just assume the Wii is more fun? Because it moved more consoles? That's no better a metric than # of games sold, which the Wii loses at pretty badly.

Comment Re:Yeah, Sorry Guys. (Score 1) 280

The paid-for news/media is already stupid enough. I can't wait until all the semi-talented writers start charging, and 99% of america gets their news and election info from a right-wing or left-wing blog site... or worse.

Seriously, I think the easy availability of respected newspapers such as the NYTimes has helped improved American's awareness of political issues. Whatever my problems with the NYTimes biases are, they're 100x better than the local news.

Comment Re:Not Flash! ARGGGHHH (Score 1) 41

The problem with flash isn't the technology, it's that it's so easy to develop something with it a lot of people that don't understand it use it. Is that Flash's fault? If it is, we should also throw away PHP for being insecure when you don't sanitize your inputs.

If you want to make a fully customizable UI Flash is currently the very best tool available. Whether it works well or it's slow on buggy depends on your coding skills.

Comment Re:How'd the DRM work out for Spore? (Score 1) 376

But it does prevent me from buying a legal, used copy at Gamestop. It kills the used game market which is what everyone believes the consoles are going to try to do over the next few years.

Sorry, 99% of games aren't worth $60, which is why I generally only play consoles now. I can get back half of that $60 cost when I get bored of the game.

Comment Re:Adult Gaming? Hah! (Score 1) 343

The problem is that no matter how realistic or how sensitive you make your game to the soldiers who died in WW2/Fallujah/whathaveyou, you're always going to have some kid (or adult) who thinks its fun to shoot his teammates and teabag them. The kids know the obvious - it's a freaking game!

That said, it's pretty hard to "explore the human condition" when you are forced to include respawns, saves, and letting the user actually choose what he/she wants to do. That's what makes games great, btw. You can find things to do in games that the developers never intended.

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