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Comment Totally worth it (Score 1) 599

"Suppose a stadium is holding an event; knowing how much traffic is making its way toward the arena might help the venue change its parking lot resources accordingly, he said."

Suppose you wanted to cut some carrots, but they were really thick. Wouldn't it be nice to keep a raised guillotine in your house for such occasions?

Comment Re:Zuckerberg's attitude is clear (Score 1) 302

No, this IM shows that deep down, Zuckerberg _does_ care about privacy, and that he thinks other people should too. He disparages people for giving up that privacy.

Um... what? If this exchange is genuine (the source is extremely vague), it shows that, yes, he probably values his own privacy, but not anyone else's. If he thought "other people should too," he would be campaigning to inform people about privacy concerns, not actively destroying their privacy for his own benefit.

If you're a burglar, you'll probably make fun of people for their weak home security. You don't want your house broken into, but you sure don't want everybody else getting smart. This hardly shows that you "care."

Comment ISPs biting the hand that feeds them (Score 1) 232

"Web sites should pay us to reach our customers" is the maybe the dumbest thing I've heard from ISPs. Hello? Your customers are paying you to reach web sites.

Forget double-dipping; this is about biting the hand that feeds you. Without those web sites, an ISP literally has nothing to offer. "We offer you a high-speed connection to"... to what, exactly?

That's right. Youtube. And all the other sites you claim are victimizing you by flooding your bandwidth. As if that weren't exactly why your bandwidth exists and can be sold.

I don't want government censorship, so I'm uneasy about regulation. But seriously, ISPs shouldn't be allowed to even try some of the garbage they want to do.

Comment Re:You may have heard of this thing (Score 1) 236

Or you could decide to be a hardware maker instead of a software maker. Don't customize Android, but use the free OS and spend more money making awesome, solid, fast hardware with great signal quality, etc.

Maybe it doesn't differentiate you much, but it wouldn't be a bad reputation to have, either. "Makes a really solid Android phone and doesn't muck with how the OS works."

Comment Blaming the victims (Score 1) 332

Look, I don't lend my car to strangers, either. But your position is a bit sociopathic.

Just like what these people did. They gave over samples apparently with no written guaranty of how they would be used, and now they're stunned that they have been used for other things.

Yes, they were naive. But they were misled, too. Why are you blaming the victims? If somebody tells you they're doing something to help you, whether that's analyzing your DNA or installing an internet connection or doing your taxes or removing your gallbladder, then they violate your trust, that's wrong. Whether you should have been suspicious of them is a different question.

Universal mistrust doesn't scale. I can't get through a single day without trusting a bunch of strangers not to veer into my lane and kill me, trusting my landlord's employees not to go into my apartment with their maintenance keys and steal my stuff, and trusting my bank not to steal my money. These are calculated risks, but I can't be right all the time. I'd say that trusting researchers from a legit university to do what they said is a pretty reasonable thing to do. But these people got burned.

Yes, we all have to be careful, and try not to get suckered. But traditionally, we don't punish suckers. We punish deceit. I don't know how you can have a sane society otherwise. And I think you'll want more sympathy than you've shown here on that distant future day when you make a mistake and find that you're the sucker.

Comment Re:Damn them! (Score 0, Troll) 332

So if I say "may I borrow your car to go to the grocery store?" and we don't sign an agreement saying "and nowhere else," then it's OK for me to take a cross-country road trip? Your fault, eh?

Also, after that, you and your neighbors would continue to trust me, right?

(Slashdotters, take note: I used a car analogy.)

Comment Early Christian != Catholic (Score 1) 1131

um, wasn't Catholicism the original christian religion from which all denominations of christianity derived?

As a Protestant, I'd say that early Christianity wasn't Catholic, and after it became so, some people protested and branched off. Which is why that event is called the Reformation - saying, "this church has strayed from its roots and must be reformed."

Comment Re:Space Invaders (Score 1) 238

Hahaha! So true.

My *favorite* thing about Halo for PC was that there were places where you could bypass part of the board by doing something unexpected. There's a bridge in one place, for example, were you are supposed to fight your way across, into the mountain on the other side, and emerge in the valley underneath the bridge, then fight your way up another mountain at the end of the valley. OR you can steal a banshee, if you're fast enough, and fly straight to the other mountain. OR you can slide down to the valley and get slightly hurt, then grab a health pack.

Non-linear play is awesome. I'd love to see more of that, and less "you must get item X in order to do Y." More exceptions and clever workarounds, please!

Comment Legitimate caller id spoofing (Score 1) 171

I've got a Google Voice number which forwards calls to my actual phone(s) based on rules I set up. One rule is "do you want to see the caller ID as the actual caller's, or as your Google Voice number?"

This is useful, but only because of the limited nature of caller id - it can only display one number. If it had slots for things like "original caller # and name" and "name of routing service", I wouldn't need to make that choice.

Also, it's unique in that *I* am deciding what information *I* want to see. I don't see any reason why someone should be able to call me and disguise their identity from me.

Comment Re:Seems perfectly reasonable to me... (Score 1) 449

A very interesting point. There have been stories lately about Google offering cheap fiber service in select areas.

It sounds to me like the same tactic they used releasing Chrome: not to get everyone to switch to their product, but to shame the the other browsers or ISPs with their superior quality, generate buzz, and make the other guys improved. End result: better browsers, better ISPs, and more Google traffic.

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