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Comment Re:The glaciers are retreating! (Score 1) 791

a majority of the scientific community, most sensible thinkers. Against - A small minority of sceptical scientists who on the whole tend not to be climatologists.

Wouldn't your average "sensible thinker" maybe end up risking his cozy well-fed professorship by adopting a controversial position? As well as his friends, maybe, and that network of relations that he invested so much time and energy into building up? Conformism pays a lot. Especially where much much much money is involved. Think of this: who gives out official "climatologist" labels?

...that nutbag down the road who lives in his mother's basement and believes that JFK was assassinated by time travelling Nazi robots...

The "nutbag" is currently busier trying to make out how the WTC towers could collapse at free-fall speed while having to destroy floor after floor of massive steel pillars on their way...

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