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Chertoff Advocates Cyber Cold War 115

Jack Spine writes "The US and allied countries should formulate a doctrine to apply the principles of nuclear deterrence to cyber attacks and cyber espionage, according to former US Homeland Security secretary Michael Chertoff. No matter that it's very difficult to attribute the source of cyber attacks — just take punitive action against the platform being used to attack, says Chertoff."

Comment Better Quality + Lower Price = Fix (sorta) (Score 3, Insightful) 69

I think the way to achieve this is to pay the fan-subbers to use their translations. IMO normally they're better, lack censorship, and are already out there. I bet most would be ecstatic to be paid AND do what they love. And the price should be low, say $1 or $2 since the subs are out already. Some money is better than none.
It's funny.  Laugh.

Burglar Logs Into Facebook On Victim's Computer 337

yet-another-lobbyist writes to mention that Facebook addiction has finally caused real world consequences, at least for one would-be burglar. It seems that 19-year-old Jonathan Parker couldn't stay away from the popular social networking site, even long enough to rob a house. Parker not only stopped mid-robbery to check his Facebook status on the victim's computer, but left it logged in to his account when he left.

Submission + - Verizon vs. the Needham Fire Department

netbuzz writes: "Odd disagreement. At issue is whether — or not — there was a minor fire in a house on Pine Grove Street in Needham, Mass., caused by a Verizon employee drilling through an electrical main. Everyone agrees that whatever happened — or didn't happen — was indeed the fault of the Verizon employee; it's "fire or no fire" that is at issue. Verizon says no fire, not even smoke. The Needham Fire Department begs to differ. New eye-witness reports are emerging ... and it's not looking good for Verizon."
PC Games (Games)

Submission + - Gamers Have Friends, Girls Like Grand Theft Auto (

Jeremy Dean writes: "New research dispels the well-worn stereotypes that computer gamers having no social skills and girls avoid violent games like Grand Theft Auto. Results showed children playing violent M-rated games were more likely to play in groups. Friendship groups amongst boys, in particular, were often based around violent computer games. Also, children used games to help manage their emotions. When angry or stressed they liked to use games to get these emotions out."
It's funny.  Laugh.

Submission + - Apple Employees Taxed on Free iPhones (

Anonymous Coward writes: " hone-itax.html

Apple has announced that by the end of the month it will give its 18,000 full-time U.S. employees a free 8-gigabyte iPhone (retail price: $599). The tax angle? Apple will have to include the $599 on the employees' W-2s as taxable compensation, and the company will have to pay employment taxes on the amount as well."


Submission + - Big Names To Front London Hacker Conference

An anonymous reader writes: The Black & White Ball to be held in London, England September 18th-21st released it's final speakers list today. The 'hacker con' is set to kick of with a bang as the world famous Oxblood Ruffin, head of the Cult of the Dead Cow's Hacktivism wing, keynotes the 'Black hat' track. This 'black track' will run for 2 days and will be cover the latest in information attack. The last 2 days of the event will be the 'white track' and will cover defense methodologies. The leading speaker and digital guru Richard Thieme will open up the 'white track' with his keynote speech "Challenges to Identity, Structure and Security".

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