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Comment Re:This is why (Score 2) 231

You were making sense until the BS about piracy "robbing the content creators blind." Unless you ONLY get TV content from the internet and/or an OTA antenna, they've got you paying (in a sense) both ways. Cable and satellite services pay the networks to carry their channels. We pay subscription fees AND have to see the advertising. The networks are getting revenue from ad space and from the cable and satellite providers carrying their channels. They are NOT some poor and destitute artists creating these shows on a shoestring budget out of the goodness of their hearts. They're making cash hand over fist. The programming is crap because there's no reason to make anything but crap. If the unwashed masses will put up with it, they'll continue making crap. Some of us may complain about the system, but for every one of us there's thousands that will happily watch Dancing With the Stars with all the commercials and pay Comcast for the privilege.

Don't try to say that the system is the way it is because they can't afford to change it. The system is the way it is because they're making TONS of money this way and have no financial reason to change it.

Comment Re:Easier Entry (Score 3, Informative) 358

No-code tech has only been around for about 20 years or so. Before the elimination of the code requirement for all license classes, there were two tech classes. The "no code" tech and tech plus. There was also Novice class which has now gone away. Interestingly, Novice required 5 wpm CW yet would not grant voice privileges on 2M or 70cm.

I think the increase in amateur radio licenses probably has more to do with more people expecting the S to HTF. There seems to be a growing expectation that a global collapse, nuclear holocaust, government collapse, zombie apocalypse are just around the corner. It's probably a combination between that and people wanting to be prepared for more local or regional disasters like blizzards, hurricanes, tornadoes, etc.

Comment Re:Battary swaps... (Score 3, Interesting) 366

A standard battery pack would mean they become very common and very cheap. How will the auto makers make any money if they can't charge a ridiculous price for a SLIGHTLY different part that is only on 2 models?

But seriously folks, the auto manufacturers would fight tooth and nail to NOT use standardized parts so they can have a huge markup on THEIR brand of part.

Comment Re:I would ask them why only 3 days (Score 1) 211

Except it won't be the same game as original SWG. I think GP meant that it will be subject to some of the same disastrous decisions that killed SWG and not the game play. It's already a class lock-in, level based game. That already puts it closer to the NGE version of SWG than it does to the original version. I don't have high hopes for this game. After what George Lucas did to the franchise, along with how SWG was killed, Star Wars is mostly dead to me now.

Comment Re:So what about the OS? (Score 1) 385

no, because the subject of the article lost his license to play the game when he used a external hack program

OK, this is a scary thing. This would effectively allow software vendors to attach copyright infringement penalties to EULA violations. Nevermind if you bought it legally. If you do something that violates the EULA, you have infringed their copyright.

Comment Re:Judges lean towards protecting the little guy . (Score 1) 758

Not quite. Judges often consider reasonableness, public interest and the relative sophistication of both parties. When one party is a company with a legal team and the other party is Joe Consumer judges often lean towards protecting the little guy when the deal is an un-negotiated take-it-or-leave it one.

Except in this case. This ruling by judges is in direct opposition to protecting the little guy. They have ruled that an EULA is enforceable on someone that never even agreed to the EULA.

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